• @aqua
    251 year ago

    And I’ll fuckin check again.

    • @fedev
      71 year ago

      …and could lead to something bad if left open.

      • @[email protected]
        21 year ago

        Exactly this. I repeatedly check if I turned the oven off after cooking and will continue to check at least three more times before I leave the house. And maybe even go back in the house to check one final time.

        • @mutt
          31 year ago

          Same, I would actually like to somehow « cure » this behavior.

  • UhBell
    91 year ago

    Pretty sure this is a symptom of OCD

    • @Majima
      21 year ago

      Pretty sure you haven’t locked your car. Go check it

  • @Wowiejr
    81 year ago

    What I found helpful was saying out loud “I locked the car” while doing it.

    • Evil_Opossum
      41 year ago

      I do something similar to this for many things. My go to thing is saying “CHECK” once I lock my doors to the house or close the gate, turning off a light in another room (although smart lights helped me immensely with this). A verbal or another audio cue, since most cars will beep if locked, is extremely helpful for me.

  • @NosyRock
    71 year ago

    You just reminded me I need to lock my car. Ah well, I’m already in bed, I’ll try to remember tomorrow

    • CaptainApathetic
      1 year ago

      I live in a rural area and don’t keep valuables in my car so mine stays unlocked at home. That plus I’d rather someone open my door, prowl through and find nothing then have a broke window because if they wanna steal my car it’s a 1989 so it’s easy af to start with no key so and they want it it’s gonna be gone whether they open the door or bust the window.

  • Shizu
    61 year ago

    laughs in Walk-away assist

  • TacoRaptor
    61 year ago

    I just end up smashing the lock button a few times until my horn goes off. That way I know it was locked.

  • @[email protected]
    41 year ago

    This happens to me every time. Luckily my new car has an app where it shows whether the doors are locked or not.

    • Talos
      31 year ago

      You better check to see if the app is correct though.