Israel forces aid organizations to purchase food from Egypt and prevents them from buying it in Israel, which would allow for a more efficient and rapid transfer of goods. Israel also prohibits the private sector in Gaza from purchasing food, which could significantly increase supply. Although Israel recently allowed trucks in through Kerem Shalom Crossing, too, which is designed for commercial transports, this was merely a token addition that has failed to alleviate the hardship.

Aid organizations are struggling to operate under current conditions, and most of the limited aid allowed in remains in Rafah instead of reaching residents throughout the Strip. Martin Griffiths, the UN Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator, listed several reasons why aid cannot be efficiently distributed. Among other things, he noted that trucks are inspected several times before Israel allows them into Gaza, and even then, long lines form due to the conditions at Rafah Crossing. The little food that does get in is very difficult to distribute due to the constant bombings, destroyed roads, frequent communication blackouts, and shelters overflowing with of hundreds of thousands of IDPs crowding into smaller and smaller areas.

Israel can, if it so chooses, change this reality. The images of children begging for food, people waiting in long lines for paltry handouts and hungry residents charging at aid trucks are already inconceivable. The horror is growing by the minute, and the danger of famine is real. Still, Israel persists in its policy.

Changing this policy is not just a moral obligation. Allowing food into the Gaza Strip is not an act of kindness but a positive obligation under international humanitarian law: starvation as a method of warfare is prohibited

  • Andy
    479 months ago

    This is truly horrific. I think anyone with a kid is hit especially hard. Imagining my kid drinking contaminated water, and being too tired to play, and just sitting in a makeshift tent, unable to get a good night’s rest, constantly running from bombs… That’s hell. No child should have to experience that.

  • @Aceticon
    9 months ago

    Starving the members of the etnic group they think of as “human animals” to death is cheaper than using Zyklon B, and so is blowing them up with 2000lb bombs because America provides them for free.

  • @Maggoty
    219 months ago

    So fun fact. If you go read the IPC report, the review committee says they believe the findings are being reported conservatively. So the numbers are even worse than what’s reported here.

  • @foggianism
    139 months ago

    Do the people in Germany know this? Because I’ve heard that the media there only focus on Hamas in this conflict, and I think that this is an dishonest approach to reporting news. And why is it important what Germany thinks you say? Because, as the most populous and economiclaly active country in the EU, it is very influential in the policy making of EU.

  • @xc2215x
    119 months ago

    That is disappointing to see from Israel.

    • @RGB3x3
      259 months ago

      But not at all surprising.

      • @Aceticon
        9 months ago

        This just in: country created on etno-religious lines turns out to be rabidly racist and extremelly and indiscriminatelly violent against a much weaker neighbouring group of a different etnic group whose lands they want to take.

        And now for more news from The Entire History Of The Human Species…

  • @[email protected]
    89 months ago

    I’ve just seen an Israeli soldier with the punisher symbol on his flag patch, this was getting insane the moment it started. With how much surveillance is going on here in israel, is there anything israelis can do?

  • Allah
    -79 months ago

    deleted by creator

  • @McDropout
    -159 months ago

    For my American friendly on Lemmy; both Joe Biden and Donald Trump support this.

    But they will try to convince me how Joe Biden is a better candidate. They’re both terrible.

      • @McDropout
        -39 months ago

        The downvotes whenever I mention this are not very telling.

        Many individuals tend to cling to a state of denial when confronted with the notion that participating in an electoral system limited to choosing between two political parties does not authentically embody the principles of a genuine democracy.

        But I digress.

        • @harmsy
          89 months ago

          Well if someone actually good ran for President I’d vote for them. Until then, I’ll have to make do and vote for the person who isn’t actively trying to make the US as nightmarish as possible.

          • @Maalus
            19 months ago

            There are third party candidates that are “actually good”. Also, you are voting for genocide if you choose either of the two main candidates.

            • @harmsy
              49 months ago

              Guess I forgot to include that they also have to have a nonzero chance of getting elected.

              • @Maalus
                19 months ago

                So instead of voting for candidates that agree with your worldview, you’d rather vote for the two “available” ones, both of which support genocide

                • @harmsy
                  09 months ago

                  I have to make do with the cards I’ve been dealt, unfortunately. Part of me wants to flip the table, but that is only going to make things worse.

        • @agent_flounder
          79 months ago

          The only fix is a different form of voting and tossing the electoral system.

          • @Wrench
            119 months ago

            And that’s not going to happen without a super majority.

            Literally, your only chance to get the change you’re looking for is to vote Democrat across the board, get them a super majority, and hope (against odds) that they choose to pursue election reform.

            The popular opinion on lemmy of not participating in the 2 party system is just shouting into the wind while simultaneously enabling the extreme right.

            Grow the fuck up.

              • @Wrench
                9 months ago

                So besides kicking and screaming, what is your actual mechanism of achieving change? What does not voting or adding to the <5% of independent voters achieve?

                Or will you continue to winge about how the democrats aren’t doing anything despite not actually having enough votes to do any of the things you’re demanding.

                Edit - thought so. Not a single idea offered. You all sound exactly like the Occupy Wallstreet crowd that kicked and screamed as loudly as they could, but couldn’t offer a single plausible solution to fix the problem.

                You want to complain that the status quo sucks without a plan on how to fix it.

                Again, grow the fuck up.

                The fascists need to be squashed. If we can give the Dems a super majority, they will have the tools to actually do something about it. Then they can break up into whatever new factions like progressives and moderates or whatever since it would be basically be inevitable after the fascists are pacified, and ranked choice voting would certainly be in the discussion.

                Or you can continue to scream into the wind and accomplish nothing.

                • mathemachristian[he]
                  9 months ago

                  The idea is that the dems won’t ever change anything if people vote blue no matter who. You want to make politicians work for your vote not hold you hostage in a “are you voting for a single genocide or double genocide” scenario. If you keep voting blue no matter who the slide into fascism will be just as sure only dragged out longer.

                  He actual solution is communist revolution obviously, but that’s a whole other topic.

              • @Wrench
                19 months ago


      • @Aceticon
        9 months ago

        And yet all it would take for Trump to not be elected is for one man, one single man, to change the way he acts.

        Yet, instead of that easy, logical option of Biden behaving differently, the millions of Americans who feel revolted with this Genocide and the US Administration’s giving material support to the genociders, are supposed to ignore their Principles and vote for the guy who is activelly giving heavy bombs to be used in committing mass murder.

        Joe Biden is not willing to stop supporting Genocide even against the Principles of millions of people who voted for him and who he is supposed to represent, not even to make sure he gets their votes again so that Trump doesn’t get elected.

        Think about it. Think about what kind of person puts his desire to support those committing Genocide even against not merelly the wishes but even the Morals and Principles of those who elected him and even when by doing so he created a situation where there is a serious risk that Trump gets elected again.

        • @[email protected]
          -69 months ago

          Yeah, so trump didn’t support or cause a genocide when he literally had the ability. His track record for violence is strikingly less than the average presidents. Biden has been vice president and president for some straight up heinous shit, intentionally destabilizing entire countries.

          • @Maggoty
            69 months ago

            Dude literally attempted to start a war with Iran. And the only reason he didn’t use the military against protestors is because the military refused the order. So instead he created a special unit in the Department of Justice made up of volunteers. They covered themselves by saying they were defending federal property but instead they were filmed abducting people in the vicinity of protests and damaging cars they believe belonged to protestors. They routinely fired “less than lethal” projectiles into crowds that were just standing around. Often they aimed to maim people with those projectiles, instead of aiming them low as intended.

            Trump also fomented our first armed insurrection in 160 years. And then he tried to stop the military from responding to it.

            He clearly wanted to do all the stupid stuff. He just sucked at it and had a lot of patriots doing every thing they could to slow him down or stop him. Round 2 would be very different. For example the hold on military promotions Tuberville was running? That fits perfectly with the playbook for subverting the military. You make the job bad enough that competent people leave and your buddies stay because they understand the mission. Repeat that cycle a few times and you can begin a silent purge of NCOs and lower officers that aren’t seen as loyal to the cause.

            If someone failed to coup your government you don’t give them a second chance.

            • @[email protected]
              9 months ago

              And they say the “right” is into conspiracy theories. “He’s a fucking moron, but look at all this shit that mastermind nearly pulled off”

              • @Maggoty
                39 months ago

                Obviously he didn’t nearly pull it off. He did very much attempt to pull it off and now it’s a group project.

    • @Maggoty
      99 months ago

      They are, but one of them is committed to letting us at least have an appearance of choice. The other is making jokes about being a dictator and arguing in court that he could murder his political rivals and it would be legal.

      So they’re both horrible people. But one of them is a magnitude worse.

    • @[email protected]
      69 months ago

      Israel has been facilitating payments from Qatar to Hamas to keep them in power in case you didn’t know. They created this situation on purpose. Hamas sucks, but Israel fostered it as an excuse to commit genocide.

      • @[email protected]
        09 months ago

        Israel did it because Israel believed in peace with Hamas, and that they’ll do good with the Palestinians.

        Additional proof to that is the IDF withdrawal from Gaza in 2005.

        There is no genocide, the West Bank is an example for that.

  • Allah
    -339 months ago

    deleted by creator

    • Stamets
      9 months ago
      1. Have been kept in an open air prison their entire lives
      2. Are told their lives are lesser than Israelis
      3. Respond with anger and violence towards oppressors who have been killing them, committing war crimes against them, and saying they do not deserve to exist
      4. Beg the west for help as they’re being genocided out of existence by the Israeli government who is repeatedly bombing children to death.
      5. Openly and repeatedly surrender but are executed by the Israeli Defense Force while having their hands above their heads and run over with a steam roller while pregnant, something that IDF also inflicts on its own citizens as IDF executed Israeli hostages who were waving white flags and pleading for help after being released.

      Israel is a terrorist state actively committing genocide and trying to out perform WW1 Canadians on the amount of war crimes.

      Fixed that for you.

      • @[email protected]
        -69 months ago

        Just want to point out that when Israel was first created, all their arab neighbors invaded them with the express purpose of wiping them out of existence.

      • Allah
        9 months ago

        Have been kept in an open air prison their entire lives

        that’s because they kept launching suicide bombings when walls were not there

        Are told their lives are lesser than Israelis

        false , israeli constitution treats them equally, unlike sharia

        Respond with anger and violence towards oppressors who have been killing them, committing war crimes against them, and saying they do not deserve to exist

        surely that will improve their situation

        Beg the west for help as they’re being genocided out of existence by the Israeli government who is repeatedly bombing children to death.

        there are no prisoners in genocide

        Openly and repeatedly surrender but are executed

        stop consuming islamist propaganda

        • @ABCDE
          229 months ago

          You’re fucking dumb.

        • Stamets
          9 months ago

          that’s because they kept launching suicide bombings when walls were not there

          And you’ve proven yourself to a bigot with your first point. You just put all Palestinians under one banner and insinuated that the entire group was bombing Israel. Complete lie. Nonetheless, rounding up an entire group of people and punishing them for the actions of a group within them is a literal war crime. It’s called Collective Punishment. You are wrong.

          false , israeli constitution treats them equally, unlike sharia

          Right. That’s why they’re forced into an open air prison, denied food, bombed repeatedly, denied rights and having their land taken away from them. Because they have to be treated equally. You are wrong.

          surely that will improve their situation

          Irrelevant. They have literally no recourse as everything else, including their basic freedom, has been taken away from them. You don’t get to oppress people for decades and then be upset when they strike back at you for treating them like lesser humans. Sorry. You’re wrong.

          there are no prisoners in genocide

          Definition: (noun) the deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group.

          Note that the definition does not say kill everyone in that group of people or preclude prisoners. You are wrong.

          A single picture of prisoners posted as if that somehow means that because some prisoners were taken that no one could have possibly been killed. I mean nevermind the fact that the prisoners are effectively naked and left sitting in the street in a stress position. And the fact that chances are those prisoners are just civilians.

          “Israelis Question Army’s Rules of Engagement After Hostages Slain” Source

          “Israeli forces 'kill pregnant women in Gaza, run over bodies with bulldozers” Source

          “UN calls for probe as Israeli army accused of killing 11 unarmed Palestinians” Source

          And in continuing with tradition, you are wrong.

          stop consuming islamist propaganda

          Stop being an Israeli propagandist who is openly supporting the execution of children, hostages and unarmed civilians.

          You are not valid enough as a human being for me to continue talking to you. You wanna deny someone else being a human? Get treated the same way.

          I’d say goodbye but that is far more respect than you deserve.

    • Andy
      209 months ago

      Jesus Christ, dude.

      Last I checked, Hamas wasn’t made up of newborns.


    • @Alteon
      69 months ago

      You think because HAMAS committed a fucking warcrime that’s it’s acceptable that Israel is allowed to commit genocide of an entire population of people? You are disgusting.

      The Gazan people didn’t start this. HAMAS is murdering them too.

      But you wouldn’t know that, because your too busy being an ignorant pissant that posts about shit that they know nothing about. Going be a worthless sack of shit elsewhere. People and children are dying and assholes like you are only making it worse by fucking posting a bullshit narrative that isn’t factually accurate.

      • Allah
        -169 months ago

        70% of them support hamas

        they voted them in and hamas is the reason why west bank won’t hold elections.

        they bought this upon themselves

        • Gabadabs
          99 months ago

          Half the population is literally CHILDREN.
          You might also want to consider why, in the first place, any of them would support Hamas? Israel started this, it’s always been an attempted genocide.

        • @BreadstickNinja
          49 months ago

          Doctors Without Borders reports that well over a hundred children in Gaza are dying every day. Israel kills more children every week than total civilians died on 10/7.

          Hamas’ attack was heinous, but it is not even close to being a justification for killing one in every hundred Gazans and counting. The actions of a terrorist group do not absolve Israel of responsibility in its mass slaughter of children, for which you are a despicable apologist.

          • Allah
            -49 months ago

            responsibility in its mass slaughter of children

            for which hamas is soley responsible for

        • @LinkerbaanOP
          9 months ago

          They could choose between the israeli backed puppet Fatah and Hamas

          Fatah won in the west bank. And now the west bank is overran by israeli Nazi’s stealing everyone’s house, murdering children and burning olive trees.

          Hamas was a protest vote against Fatah more so than an actual vote of confidence.

          Of course support for Hamas is now growing because they are the only organisation fighting against genocidal Nazi israel.

          Even before israel started it’s current genocide many warnings were given that they should take care not to kill innocent civilians or it would only strengthen resistance groups. Of course they did not listen and the IDF is indiscriminately massacring women and children

          • Allah
            -89 months ago

            genocidal Nazi israel.

            first genocide i have seen where population is growing, and palestinians are allowed to live in israel with equal rights

            • @LinkerbaanOP
              -39 months ago

              Last time I checked Palestinians were banned from walking on certain roads on israel and taking public transport. Did they fix this while I blinked?

              • Allah
                -69 months ago

                that’s disinfo, it’s restricted not inaccessible roads

                They need to pass through a checkpoint to drive on them, but once they pass - they’re allowed. If you spend long enough, you’ll find cars with Palestinian license plates in places like Tel Aviv and Haifa.

                Not to mention that many areas inside the West Bank as well marked by this map as “segregated” are in reality used by Israelis and Palestinians alike with their respective plates and they are often driving on the exact same roads.



                A correct tag would be saying they’re restricted. Not inaccessible.

                Also, while not blocked entirely for Israeli cars, there are signs strongly discouraging Israelis from visiting zones categorized as area A under the 1993 Oslo accords. Evidence