One day, Susie, a blind 6 year old, was listening to the radio and heard about a miracle cure for her exact condition! She ran to her parents room and breathlessly told them about it. Her mom had heard of it and said “Susie, we love you but it’s terribly expensive!” “But mommy, I want to see you and daddy and your eyes and your smiles!” “Well, your birthday is coming up so maaaaaaybe.”

Of course, Susie being 6 years old had no patience and the next day ran to her parents room and said “Mommy, daddy, I want to see rainbows, and puppies and kitties! Please can we get the cure?” She was gently rebuffed but with all the exasperating determination of a 6 year old continued to plead with them every day for the next month until one day, after “Mommy, daddy, I want to see raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens!” “Okay honey, we got you the medicine.”

Susie cried she was so excited. Her mom continued, “According to the instructions, we smear this cream over your eyes, wrap these bandages around your eyes tight and when you wake up tomorrow, we’ll take them off and you should be cured!”

Well, obviously little Susie didn’t sleep a wink that night. She was going to see her mom and dad, rainbows, puppies, kitties, flowers, sunsets and her own face! As soon as morning hit she ran to her mom and dad’s room where they started unwrapping the bandages and she could… Not see. Everything was still dark.

“Mommy, daddy what’s wrong?”

“April fool’s honey!”