I’m relatively new to magic and I’ve been enjoying all the various tribes/types/groups/themes you can build around. I like that you can build a cat deck or a dragon deck or a crab deck or an angel deck or a vehicle deck and all work with lots of options. What’s your favourite theme and what are some of your favourite cards for that theme?

  • @[email protected]
    52 years ago

    I have been working on a deck for years called “Stop hitting yourself”. It’s just a bunch of stuff that steals your creatures either for a turn or permanently.

  • @[email protected]
    2 years ago

    Agreed, themes of all kinds can be fun! I think most of my decks have a theme, although sometimes I sacrifice the theme for a little performance.

    I think maybe my three favorites:

    • Unionize : colorless, Assembly Worker tribal (took me a while to get that to work right! In particular Foundry Inspector + Self Assembler is fun)
    • Red Wedding : black/red, vampire tribal with Edgar Markov and Olivia Voldaren (with almost all wedding themed cards)
    • Ballroom Blitz : black/red, blitz ability aggro with graveyard return (not the most efficient but pretty fun and efficient!)
  • @Huxleywaswrite
    42 years ago

    I’ve got a goblin and a cat deck that I love. The cats don’t use cat people though, all low mana cost real cats and uses beastmaster ascension to scale them up. Nothing as satisfying as pay 1 mana to drop a sacred cat or two that’s suddenly a 6/6 lifelink with embalm.

    I built an all black cult deck that thematically is tons of fun, but needs some work to be more reliable. It’s stacked with some dark rituals, and mostly clerics thar make up the “cultists” then there’s some sacrifice to search your library/return from graveyard/play from hand, and fi ally some massive OP demon cards. You sac the cultists to call out your demons, its fun but it’s not perfect.

    The best combo I’ve managed with it was a swamp, dark ritual and 2 priest of gix on my draw, with put down 2 2/1 creatures on turn one and left me with 3 black mana left to spend on three cards left in my hand.

  • @[email protected]
    42 years ago

    I love building tribal most of the time. I’ve built countless Human decks in every combination of colours.

    What format do you play? Would help with recommending some themes and cards.

      • @[email protected]
        42 years ago

        The few Human decks I’ve built with black have been moire +1/+1 counter oriented, and less tokens so he hasn’t really found a home in my decks yet.

        • @[email protected]
          22 years ago

          It’s funny how many options you get for human tribal, but I guess that’s part of the point 😅 Do you make exceptions to your themes and include non-humans (like Vorinclex, Monstrous Raider)?

        • Cranakis
          12 years ago

          What is your favorite 2 Human commanders to build around? I made a Jirina Kudro deck but I could never hold my own at the table with it and ended up giving it up for something else. I like the idea of human tribal though. Looking for some suggestions of you have them. I’m a Johnny-Spike if that helps.

  • AleB
    22 years ago

    I play an “Astral drift” mono White deck. I should splice It with Green, but since people Always say that W Is weak, I play It just for spite :D

  • Sandra
    12 years ago

    I like cards with animals. Not anthropomorphic but just snakes, horses, fish, birds etc, even bugs.