I started reading it a month ago (I’m a slow reader lol) and got to the middle of the book. I really liked the first part but half way it started to feel like it’s repeating itself and lose its meaning, like where does it go? It feels stuck.

Is it getting better? Should I push through or just give up?

  • @[email protected]
    41 year ago

    One of the hardest things I’ve ever had to learn as a reader is when to abandon a book. But you must. You won’t read all the books you want to because there is not enough time. Life’s too short to be struggling through a book you aren’t enjoying.

  • @[email protected]
    21 year ago

    I felt similarly midway through, but I ended up finishing it and I’m glad that I did. The technology references become less prevalent as the book progresses with the story focung more in the human element and relationships of the characters. I didn’t think it was an amazing book and was a bit surprised that it got the hype that it did, but it was still an enjoyable read to the end that I gave a 4/5.

    • @DeriHunterOP
      11 year ago

      Thanks good to know… You gave me a new wind for a bit although I just got to kill a mockingbird out of a whim and it’s waiting for me :) I feel like I’m gonna love it

  • BillyHabeeb
    21 year ago

    @DeriHunter Having read it, I can understand how you feel. My wife read it after I did and she ended up being more fed up with it than I was. That being said… I finished it. She finished it. Neither of us felt that it lived up to the hype. But… I’d still recommend finishing it. And then, if you haven’t read Lessons in Chemistry. Pick it up and read it to cleanse your mental palate.

    • @DeriHunterOP
      21 year ago

      Thanks for that I’ll keep an eye on Lessons in chemistry

  • BrerChicken
    21 year ago

    Yes you definitely should!

    I mean unless you’re not enjoying it. It’s okay not to finish books. But I really like how these characters change!

  • @Boingbong
    21 year ago

    I’m interested in this answer too 👀

  • @[email protected]
    11 year ago

    Oh don’t be afraid to stop reading a book. I ended up not reading the third or half of the second thrawn books because they got really boring and the author slowly made it seem like he was getting lucky instead of being the oh so smart man he’s supposed to be

  • @[email protected]
    11 year ago

    I also found it repetitive and the characters never became compelling. I found myself skipping bits and ultimately could have lived without finishing it. I did enjoy the video game aspect of the story, and I think that’s what kept me reading.

    • @DeriHunterOP
      21 year ago

      Good to know I’m not the only one. I feel the same about the characters

  • @[email protected]
    11 year ago

    I hate leaving a book unfinished, so I did get to the end of this one; it was a little bit of a push but not the hardest book I’ve tried to finish.

    There were things I liked about it, and some things I felt were unnecessarily melodramatic. Something bad happens, and they spend a lot of time dwelling on it. Realistic, perhaps, but not what I was looking to get out of the story. I think the story would have been just fine without that development.

  • @[email protected]
    11 year ago

    I stopped in the middle, too, and haven’t yet regretted not finishing it, although it’s named after may favorite soliloquy.