Synopsis: Nick Fury is so distanced from humanity he can no longer appreciate a full English breakfast; Gravik is so evil, he puts a bit too much sugar in his coffee.

Questions: did that teenage boy really just call his dad ‘Daddy’?
Is it even his real dad, and - if not - why did the Naval Commander care what happened to the boy?
Where’s the Skrull heart again? They seemed to making a point about shooting that guy in the left of the chest, but then the next Skrull is shot in the right.
Where did G’iah go to spy school? Was is Hanna Barberra Spy School?
Why am I still watching this show?

  • @whatsarefoogee
    41 year ago

    I am just watching to count how many times they insult and degrade Nick Fury. I think it was 4 times this episode.

    Apparently Fury is actually useless all his success is just taking credit for what Scrulls have been doing. Assassinating his character in present day wasn’t enough, they went back in time 30 years to kill his character at the conception.

    He does get a win though, by threatening to kill a child hostage…

    • @[email protected]OP
      21 year ago

      Nobody calls him ‘Nick’, but now nobody calls him ‘competent’ either apparently.