In my case, the OG Xbox. The first console I got, so definitely nostalgia tinted feeling. Fable, Dead or Alive and Star Wars Jedi Outcast are probably my most played games on that platform.

  • BuckShot
    82 years ago

    My N64 to remind myself how amazing Golden Eye, Perfect Dark, Mario Kart and Army Men: Sarges Heroes are, especially for when they were released. I also have a modded XBox which has 20+ games on it and some older films on it. Playing modded Halo is always a grand ol’ time and Fuzion Frenzy is a stroll down memory lane for me.

    • @[email protected]
      72 years ago

      My old N64 i got as a kid is still kickin and i play it from time to time as well. Even have it plugged into an old 19" CRT TV for maximum nostalgia (i tried plugging it into a modern flat screen some years ago and it did NOT look right).

      • @[email protected]
        22 years ago

        My poor N64 has been sitting in a plastic box for like 10 years. Everytime I feel the itch to use it, I fire up an emulator instead. I’ve thought about getting a CRT TV specifically for party games, but I don’t really have the space.

    • Biscoot
      12 years ago

      Oh my. You gave me a huge flashback by mentioning Fuzion Frenzy. Just wanted to say thank you!

  • macniel
    42 years ago

    My Wii U. I have many unplayed games for it and also use it from time to time to measure my weight with :)

  • Shindig
    2 years ago

    My play preference generally goes: PSP or PS Vita > Switch Lite or Switch > Steam Deck > Gaming PC.

  • @[email protected]
    2 years ago

    My Jasper Xbox 360. Loud as hell, but never RROD’d. So many great AAA titles, personal favorites are definitely Halo 3 and 4, GTA 4, Far Cry 3. So many other good ones too but those come to mind immediately. I’ve recommended the 360 to many friends looking for a cheap way to spend time. Games are cheap, consoles are cheap, etc.

  • @[email protected]
    32 years ago

    I fired up my XBox 360 last year to get a fix of Beatles Rock Band. It’s criminal that that game isn’t available on modern platforms! Also regretting not having purchased more of its DLC when it was still available.

  • Luccajan
    32 years ago

    I often play on the Wii with my family. The joy cons on the switch are too small and have too many buttons for my (grand)parents to push. They keep pressing the home button accidentally.

  • @[email protected]
    32 years ago

    My PS Vita. Launch edition with AT&T 3G (that I never used), and have it jailbroken. 11 years old and still goin strong. It pays to take care of what you own!

  • @[email protected]
    32 years ago

    Not super old, but my homebrew 3DS gets a ton of usage. A while back I installed every ROM I could want onto an SD card, which has brought years of entertainment.

    • @optissima
      32 years ago

      It’s been 11 years since released, a whole 4 years more than from the original DS to 3DS releases. I’d call that old haha.

      • @[email protected]
        22 years ago

        It’s been that long already?! I guess my age is showing, cause to me “old” is anything pre PS1

        • @optissima
          22 years ago

          Oh same, I knew you’d get a kick out of that lol

  • rice
    22 years ago

    i still have the ds lite in the same case as my switch with chrono trigger, phantom hourglass, pokémon black/white, etc. im amazed how long that thing keeps its battery!!

  • @hskrnut
    22 years ago

    Xbox 360. MW2 is actually still alive on there and I enjoy dipping in for a few games. It’s not super easy to get a game there is a process to make it work but it can be done.

    I wish I could get out my SNES more but I’m lacking a CRT right now. I get an urge to play DK Country 1-3 sometimes and I can’t deal with the input lag on the LCD panels.

    22 years ago

    I have a Wii (hacked, old enough model to have GC ports) that I keep out.

    I picked it up used and cheap with a sack of assorted accessories like 5 years ago because fussing with controllers in Dolphin was kind of a pain, and I had a lot of GC and Wii games I was interested in.

    A Wii with Homebrew channel and loaders, with a USB drive full of disc images hanging out the back is very pick-up-and-play for GameCube and Wii.

    I’m using it less lately because I’ve played through many of the things I was eager to try (and I’ve been too busy), but it’s still a nice object.

    I do have a modded OG Xbox (also bought used but closer to its time of relevance) that spent it’s early life in my possession being an XBMC media player for the household more than being used for games, and a wide array of even older computers (Amigas, 68k and PPC Macs, older PCs, some workstations that aren’t so relevant to gaming, etc.) stored away, but usually do that sort of thing under emulation rather than hauling the machines out unless I have a specific reason.

    Lately it’s mostly been 16-bit era and GBA games on an Anbernic RG351p that I can truly pick up and put down instantly, anywhere. Waiting rooms? Compiles? Sitting through some event a niece or nephew is in? Perfect idle.

  • @[email protected]
    2 years ago

    A while back I went out of my way to acquire some used Xbox 360 games and fire up the old beast. I actually played Red Dead Redemption for the first time about a year ago. Some of those games I straight up haven’t touched, because I no longer have said console set up (and have been foraying into console emulation, which is constantly getting better)

  • Spider
    22 years ago

    I love firing up a run of Starfox 64 from time to time. The bite size replayability makes it perfect.