Nothing like having a 40mm grenade launcher for a PDW.
Who said it’s a PDW?
Anything can be a PDW if you want it to be. It can be a sidearm if you make the holster big enough.
Ah yes, my favorite Killing Floor 2 weapon.
My uncle always had good things to say about the M79
At least into the early 2000s, while M79s were no longer being newly produced, spare parts still had military NSNs and were able to be ordered by units. If a military unit had at least a somewhat salvageable M79, it could be repaired to working order.
It’s cool that all of this was compressed to fit underneath the barrel of an M16 with the M203 grenade launcher.
The XM148 proved the concept, while the M203 iterated on it with a lot of streamlining. The M79 with a full barrel still shoots softer and flatter than the M203, though for mass use the M203 was an improvement.