I’ve known I’ve been bacon since a very young age.
How long have you known?
I think deep down, I’ve always known I’m lettuce.
I’ve known I was guacamole since I had a crush on Joey Tribbiani when I was 4.
I’m then a Cheese Iceberg Sandwich. Either way, now I’m getting hungry.
I don’t trust prepackaged food from S&M brand without a safety date and maybe a word of warning first.
Always have a safety word. ✅
I’ve played Among Us with the nickname “LGBLTBBQ” and the all-inclusive nameplate.
Almost of all of the triggered people where bigots that accused me of being imp and voted me out just because of the nickname.
Guess they hate BBQ. What a shame.
Veganism does save the planet.
And the lives and well-being of animals
If they don’t know you it is reasonable to assume you are a bigot. Gotta know your audience my man.
I think you don’t get it. When someone got triggered, it was always the bigots.
While playing with the flag and the LGBLTBQQ nickname on Among Us, I’ve had comments pointing out they don’t like the flag or LGBT/LGBTQ, or plaintly admitting they’re homophobic and also people cheering just because they kicked the LGBT/gay player out, even when I wasn’t imp. I was now checking some recorded gameplays to get a few exact quotes, but I suspect I’m gonna get accused of saying those things myself and get banned.
Ohhh. I would have kicked you because you ridicule lgbt people/community. (Like saying alphabetes)
Never played social deduction games in pubs.
I’m thankful that I love guacamole. I’d hate to be represented by a condiment I don’t much care for.
Lucky, fuckers made my Jewish ass into treyf
Needs queso
But I hate Tomato
Ugh, no another LGBT, hold the t.
Tomato, tomahto, avacado… we all have our preferences but, dammit, sit down and eat if it looks delicious
TIL I’m bacon
Am I homophobic now because I think guacamole is gross?
I came for the tomato lettuce salad and then somenone put Bacon in it. Who does that???