I am back. I will only be doing this 3 days a week for now to avoid burning out. I may have taken on a bunch of other projects. but this one is my favorite. Today I’m reading.

03/23/10- "WV, AR: Prepare gift for the WQ.” (/homestuck/1608) to 03/26/10 - “==>” (/homestuck/1626)”

Select this thingy to read my commentary

A Wayward Vagabond (WV) and an Aimless Renegade (AR) became a bit infatuated. The target of this was the Peregrine Mendicant (PM). This is likely because she is the only female of their species they’ve seen in who knows how long. That is until the Windswept Questant (WQ) showed up. It seems these guys immediately forgot about PM and went full servant mode for them instead. They made her a crown.

PM witnesses this and remembers the dreadful mission she had been sent on by Jack Noir. her duty to get a package from him pretty much made her into an assassin.

The flashback has skipped ahead for this story. We see PM, sword ready consulting the white queen. Not the black one she saw earlier. Though the white queen looks pretty much the same, just white. Also this one’s left arm is missing, whereas the black queen is missing its right arm. The queen shockingly gives the PM her crown as well as her ring. The ring has 4 pearls on it 3 had been lit, but once she removed it only 2 became lit. The queen’s body also became normal looking, with 2 arms and no tentacles or scars. They now look a lot like WQ.

If I had to guess it seems the ring is related to the prototypes the player has chosen. The ring provides powers from each of these. PM’s quest is to take the crown and seek the white king out on the battlefield. In the present time PM and the white queen meet again as exiles. PM bows before WQ. She is crowned by WQ with the crown made by WV and AR.

Having completed her quest, WQ has abdicated, and PM is now the queen. WV and AR have no idea what is going on.

Rose is on her island in the Land of Light and Rain (LOLAR). Her Sprite has finally emerged to guide her. Her sprite is a combination of a tentacle princess doll and her dead childhood cat. It turns out it’s not a great selection of things for communicating quests. It mostly just meows but is actually capable of speech. It tells Rose she is not just the seer but the Seer of Light. Also that all the fish in LOLAR have been eaten by its Denizen. John recently learned that his land’s Denizen is something he needs to defeat. We can assume this is something Rose needs to do as well. The sprite also mentions Rose is asleep and needs to wake up still. This is something Jade had told John as well, we can take some guesses on what this means. Much like we know John and Jade go to Prospit when they are sleeping, it makes sense Dave and Rose may also have a place. Perhaps it’s these places where they are actually awake.

The Sprite mentions in a vague way that Rose needs to get a song in the waking world. playing it will be the key to restore life to the land.

Till tomorrow, keep riding the pumpkin tide.