Several parents in an Iowa town where a deadly school shooting took place earlier this month told school officials on Monday they want more preventative measures and transparency as the school board plans for students’ return.

Their comments came during a Perry school board meeting, the day after the death of Principal Dan Marburger, who was critically injured in the shooting.

Grace Castro criticized the school district’s policies, saying that “lives were lost due to our lack of preventative measures.” She suggested the installation of metal detectors at schools’ entrances and a temporary remote learning option at the same time, and enforcement of a clear-bag policy as “the absolute least you can do.”

Her comments echoed what many other many other parents — including some of the victims’ families — have been saying on the Perry Facebook page since the district first announced its reopening plan last week.

  • FenrirIII
    331 year ago

    Because it’s certainly not the gun problem in this country.

    • @afraid_of_zombies
      41 year ago

      Nah it is video games, or mental health funding, or satan, or transpeople, or the media. Really anything except for the cause.

      Cigarettes don’t give people cancer, people give themselves cancer. Leaded gasoline doesn’t cause violent dumb children, driving with leaded gasoline does.

  • @[email protected]
    291 year ago

    Wanting to spend money on metal detectors instead of teachers and students, while supporting blanket 2nd amendment rights, seems off to me. But then I’m a Canadian who’s used to having universal healthcare and gov’ts that aren’t full-on nazi apologists.

    • @[email protected]
      121 year ago

      How the fuck is a metal detector going to stop a mass shooting in the first place? Most of these shootings aren’t done by current students on a whim. They are ex-students with a vendetta or random acts.

      Clear backpacks and morning-metal detector lines aren’t going to deter a mentally unhinged shooter from entering a school. I get these parents are devastated, but their solutions don’t fix anything, maybe get a few kids suspended for drugs at best.

      • Cylusthevirus
        1 year ago

        Well you see, the shooter runs through the detector, their guns are detected, and then we ask them politely, but firmly, to leave. Mass shooting averted!

      • @[email protected]
        11 year ago

        Not many shootings at court houses or government buildings. Those have metal detectors and guards. I think they want to make the schools into those types of buildings.

    • @Sgt_choke_n_stroke
      71 year ago

      “No way to stop this” says only country with no restrictions on access to guns

    • @GooseFinger
      -211 year ago

      There is no obvious solution.

      If guns magically disappeared overnight, the people who would indiscriminately kill children would still be around. They’ll just run kids over with their car during recess, lock the doors and mix a ton a bleach and ammonia, run in with an axe, or anything else. People are creative.

      We can point to Australia, Canada, or England as “proof” that banning guns = stopping murder, but people conveniently forget that they also have universal healthcare, a higher income compared to cost of living, free or cheap education, etc. These conditions breed fewer people with motives to kill indiscriminately.

      The US government can continue trying to ban guns, which would start with amending the Constitution, and would end with police going door to door to round them up because most people won’t comply.

      Gun control has only gotten stricter over time, yet indiscriminate shootings have only gotten more frequent. If you feel that isn’t explained by our decreased wages, social cohesion, and overall quality of life, then how else would you explain it? My grandparents could mail order machine guns to their front door, yet school shootings never happened. They could also support a family of 4 with a single parent working right out of high school, which js hilariously unimaginable today. Is that coincidence?

      We’re also 12 months away from a potential dictatorship, yet people are still callling for their own disarmament. Some people think gun ownership is nuts, but I think not owning a gun right now is nuts. They might be ok with not protecting their family, but I’m sure as hell not.

      • @afraid_of_zombies
        121 year ago

        It really is that simple. Guns are far better killing machines vs any other method you can come up with. Countries that ban them do not have the same rates of shootings and when they do have them are a lot less deadly. Sure someone could get an ax but it is far easier to deal with a guy with an ax vs your precious AR-15.

        Blaming it on the lack of welfare is misdirection.

        The Constitution does not need to be amended, it just has to be read. Are you in a well-regulated militia? No? You don’t get a gun. Go join up the National Guard if you want one.

        And if you think your shotgun is go to stop a dictator you will have to while I laugh too hard to type.

        • @GooseFinger
          -131 year ago

          “Guns are far better killing machines vs any other method you can come up with.”

          Murder is murder. Banning guns doesn’t get rid of violent people, so assuming nothing else changes, we’d at best have 5 dead children instead of 8 or something. Sure it’s an improvement, but not a solution. I don’t feel that’s with it given the tradeoffs.

          “Countries that ban them do not have the same rates of shootings and when they do have them are a lot less deadly.”

          I’m sorry, but no shit. “Country that bans cars sees no more deaths by car accidents.”

          “Blaming it on the lack of welfare is misdirection.”

          I’m not blaming it on lack of welfare, I’m mostly blaming it on our decreased quality of life. Since you’re ignoring that mass shootings basically didn’t exist 60 years ago when Americans had comparatively unfettered access to guns, then look at any poor country today and their violent crime rates. When moral, legal avenues for leading a fruitful and happy life are unobtainable, then people will resort to illegal means to make that happen. This is nothing new.

          “The Constitution does not need to be amended, it just has to be read. Are you in a well-regulated militia? No? You don’t get a gun. Go join up the National Guard if you want one.”

          Well-regulated meant well armed and functioning, and the National Guard is a branch of the military, which is literally what a militia isn’t. Sounds like you need to read it.

          "And if you think your shotgun is go to stop a dictator you will have to while I laugh too hard to type. "

          What makes you think that dictator will be on your side? If you think our current political climate is bad, itll pale in comparison to the one your kids will grow up in if Trump wins. Roll over and let your kids suffer if that’s what you want, I’d rather fight so they don’t have to.

          Gentle reminder that poor rice and goat farmers have won almost every conflict against our military the last 60 years. Regardless, if our military ever goes whole hog on us like you’re suggesting and starts bombing your neighborhood, I’ll be sure to message you to ask if you’re still licking their boots. Chances are, you probably will.

          • @afraid_of_zombies
            71 year ago

            : laughing so hard at the tough guy here who thinks his shotgun will save him from a drone strike

            Sorry I shouldn’t laugh. You guys care more about your fucking murder machines than you do dead kids. It isnt funny, it is sociopathic.

            • @GooseFinger
              -41 year ago

              I don’t care more about guns than dead kids, stop intentionally misinterpreting my opinion and arguments. Respond to my arguments intelligently and provide counterpoints so we can better understand each other. So far, you’ve provided nothing constructive.

              You say that guns are “fucking murder machines” then in the same comment state that the guns we have are too weak and useless to use against an oppressive government. Pick an argument and stick with it.

              If our government is launching drone strikes against me, then they’re launching drone strikes against you too. We’re on the same side here, except if push ever comes to shove, it sounds like you’ll lay down and lick boots while others fight for you. If you’re not ok with living in a dictatorship, the least you can do is not actively get in the way of the one check/balance that the people have against our government’s military.

              Gun ownership isn’t a right for Ukrainian citizens. Imagine how it felt for citizens in Mariupol, Donetsk, or Kyiv during the first few weeks of the invasion. I’m not suggesting that lone “muh guns” rednecks would save the country from a military invasion alone, but I’d bet my ass that most people who lived this would’ve been safer and fewer citizens would’ve died if they were armed and able to defend themselves while evacuating and seeking safety. The Ukrainian government backtracked and shipped citizens in Kyiv and a few other cities guns and ammo afterwards, but because gun ownership was outlawed before that, no one was trained on how to use them so they were effectively useless.

              This is what you’re fighting for. A disarmed, helpless society that’d rather feel safe than be safe. It’s the same fear that ushered in mass surveillance and the complete degradation of personal privacy in the name of counter terrorism. People cheered for it.

              It’s possible to have a well-armed society that isn’t rife with murderers; your grandparents lived it. Maybe we should refocus on making our society worth living in again for the marginalized people perpetuating violence. Give gang members and hopeless people an honest way to earn a livable wage, provide free and good access to mental and physical healthcare, revamp prisons so they reform instead of punish, reduce carbon emissions so our children won’t choke on their air… But you can’t boil that down into a headline as short and sensational as “children murdered because people can buy murder machines.”

      • @Custoslibera
        11 year ago

        lol your gun doesn’t protect your family.

        It’s just a comfort blanket to make you feel better.

        You can’t win against US government forces with an AR15.

        You and your family will be drone striked into a bloody mist.

  • @lennybird
    1 year ago

    I’ll never forget the dad who did everything he could to find meaning in the death of his daughter following Sandy Hook. He studied neuroscience, running a foundation dedicated understanding its relationships to violence or suicidal ideation… Yet in the end the grief was too much.

    I’m appalled that our country was faced with that… And then countless more thereafter and just don’t really give a shit. That half or more of this country is too dumb to implement any meaningful change.

    The kids deserve better.

  • @ExfilBravo
    51 year ago

    District: Best we can do is thoughts and prayers.

    • Bakkoda
      1 year ago

      Budgets cuts all around. Only thoughts or prayers. Pick one and keep going, gotta keep this line a moving.

  • @fne8w2ah
    11 year ago

    Fuck thoughts and prayers.