I fed Chat GPT the following image trying to play around with the broken pixel art style and asked it to give me a prompt to recreate it.

It replied it would do so without giving me a prompt to exactly come up with the famous person’s face yet multiple times it did just that. While I was never happy with the output I thought it was interesting enough to share here.

My prompt: Create a 16:9 image, Use an art style where the subject is composed of pixels that are barely holding onto reality, splinter, broken, tortured, altered colors, surreal where a man with an intense expression is peeking through a splintered wooden white door. The white door has a jagged opening, as if it’s been forcefully broken. The man has dark, styled hair and a slight beard, showing a wide grin that conveys a mix of excitement and menace. The setting appears to be a well lit room, adding to the dramatic tension of the scene. The image should capture the eerie atmosphere and the man’s powerful gaze as he looks through the broken door.

A few other versions with almost the exact same face. None of the other examples were even close.

  • stevedidWHAT
    49 months ago


    Look into a technique/script called “out painting” and into some good models for it if you’re interested! GPT does okay with prompting but it if you give it some detailed examples and instructions as a system level (not user level) prompt, it does even better.

    Still, you won’t beat manual prompts or advanced techniques like interrogation or other image to prompt + manual tweaking/LoRas after the fact. Fun stuff! Keep experimenting! Shit is so addictive

    • @BallShapedManOP
      19 months ago

      These are both great! And it takes a lot of time to learn how it’ll interpret prompts to get what you’ll like. And then it can still take several swings where it just tries again with the same prompts to get what you want.

  • @Jerb322
    29 months ago

    Sweet! Could you do one like the last one, but a little bit down the hallway with blood "chasing " the center piece?

    • @BallShapedManOP
      29 months ago

      I wish I could get the prompts to be that precise. It would take a ton of irritation to get that right. If you’d like to take a swing at it my prompts are above and you can flop them right into Dall-E 3 and go from there if you’d like.

      • @Jerb322
        29 months ago

        Sorry, just a fan of this style. Not familiar with how is done. Sounds like it would probably take me awhile just to get close to this. Oh,and I love the movie…

        • @BallShapedManOP
          29 months ago

          Thank you! And I’ve been practicing at least once a day since December trying to get good. There are a lot of kind people doing the same willing to teach if you ever decide you want to give it a go!