• DebatableRaccoon
    9 months ago

    So another attempt at killing the used market and about the only one they have left at their means. Naturally, it wouldn’t have occurred to them that perhaps the low sales on used games was because their prices were just a smidge too high, especially compared to the pittance they’d typically offer when buying from customers. CEX are just as bad for it but in the past I’ve been able to walk into either with 4+ games and not get enough to buy another used game.

    • @Z3k3
      39 months ago

      Indeed. The difference between new and used when offered (and it always is) is a fiver. That’s not enough of an incentive for me to take someone’s hand me downs

      • DebatableRaccoon
        19 months ago

        Exactly. There was a time when I was able to get new games cheaper online that secondhand from Game or CEX which is just ridiculous