Welcome to the No Man’s Sky Glyph Exchange

This community serves as a searchable index of “finds” in the No Man’s Sky universe. Players post their discoveries with the galaxy, system’s portal address, and planet name (where relevant) so that other players can locate them, too. All you need to visit another player’s discovery are:

  • Access to the galaxy where the discovery was found
  • Knowledge of the glyphs that are in the portal address
  • The location of a portal

How to locate a discovery

The process for locating a discovery depends on the type of discovery. The following is a hyperlink index of the various discovery guides.

NOTE: This is currently a work in progress. Links will be provided as guides are made available.

Additional resources for Travelers

The following are links to various resources that are useful to Travelers.

Naming Conventions

From the No Man’s Sky Wiki.

How you can help

Help is appreciated! The easiest way to help is to simply comment here with your suggestions. If you are feeling more intrepid, you can write a guide or resource post. We only ask that you don’t plagiarize another author’s work. Rewrite any pre-existing content in your own words.

Note: Several guides already exist on Reddit, but we want to function as an independent community and, more importantly, not take unfair advantage of others’ hard work. As such, direct links to guides on Reddit are discouraged.

  • @ladicius
    21 year ago

    Great guides and great sub - thanks for all the information! I really appreciate your efforts.

    One question from a noob: When I travel to another universe via portal and glyphs will I stay at that remote universe until I willingly travel back to my own universe, or will my game respawn me at my own universe at the next game start?

    • @SkySchemerOPM
      21 year ago

      You stay there until you explicitly leave for another galaxy.