So I printed this Horsea from printables here, and came back to this… Removed the supports and it looks like this… Additional pic in comments.

Is this a faulty model? I sure fixed it with netfabb before slicing…

Is this something error while slicing? I’ll reslicing try later maybe…

Did something happened to the Z axis? Is there not enough support?

This was printed on my Prusa Mini+ with bondtech extruder and revo micro hotend, 0.3 mm layer height with 0.6 nozzle, temp 235. Filament is Polymaker Polyflex.

Any help is appreciated…!

  • @TomFrost
    62 years ago

    This is tough to diagnose without seeing how it was sliced. Could you take a screenshot of the model in your slicer, using the view that shows what it looks like after being sliced?

  • @pmtriste
    52 years ago

    Looks to me like you had a delamination. Then it just squirted unconnected plastic after that. Sure you got the temperature right? Nothing might have caused your line to feed incorrectly for a minute? Last time it happened to me it was because there was too much drag on the feed. It had fallen off the bearing onto a screw, which let it keep feeding, but with extra drag.

    • @ArchTemperedKoalaOP
      02 years ago

      Hmm no problems with temps so far, this is near the end of the spool, one small print later it’s almost gone…

      Maybe that’s what causing it, somehow it got snagged on itself near the end but got resolved eventually and continued on…

      I should really print a camera mount next haha

  • @[email protected]
    52 years ago

    Spaghetti blob. Could be delamination, as has already been pointed out, but the one or two times I’ve had this happen, it’s because the nozzle caught a raised drip-blob or slightly warped edge on the unfinished print and gave it a shove, then continued printing in thin air.