I’ve noticed that anytime I click save settings it seems to reset a bunch of them back to the default. Namely it resets my theme, font size, and some other settings such as refresh rate and swapping comment settings. Things like layout seem to be unaffected.

Ideally there would be no save settings button, if I back out from that screen I would expect that my settings just stick without me having to push a button to commit them.

  • @Pothetato
    31 year ago

    The only thing that resets for me is the background and surface colors. If I save it on the theme settings page and not the main settings, it works fine until I restart the app - then it resets the color.

  • @[email protected]
    31 year ago

    I’ve been having the same problem everytime i change the font size and background color. Thet devert to default settings. The same thing happens whem i close/open the app. The font size and blue are a pain to my eyes

  • @Zarxrax
    21 year ago

    I have not seen this when pressing save, however the last 2 updates have caused many of those settings to reset for me.

  • Anony Moose
    21 year ago

    This is happening for me too. Settings don’t seem to persist after saving consistently :(

  • Mars
    21 year ago

    I’ve also experienced this, as well as my settings not persisting between updates to the app.

    What I did temporarily to get the settings to “stick” is right after saving them to quit the app via multitasking and restart it. Then my settings apply correctly.