I’d like to invite anyone who is interested and feels our Instance would be a good fit for them, to join hilariouschaos.com

If you feel like you don’t fit in with most of lemmy, Hilarious Chaos might be for you.

We are not federated for safety reasons. We’d be defederated anyways, and lastly, we do not want the drama that comes with federation.

Most lemmy users will not like our instance, and that’s fine. If that’s you, please do not join. Keep it moving, zero interest in unnecessary negativity.

You will like our Instance if:

  • You are weird
  • Tired or bored of politics all the dam time
  • Want to focus more on having fun
  • Can take a joke,
  • Like to be ridiculous
  • Not easily offended

Yes, politics from both sides (left and right) are allowed.

However, our instance is not a political instance or meant to be one. It was created and is meant for fun.

Thank you for your time and consideration, I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day.

  • @GardenVarietyAnxiety
    75 months ago

    Sooo… 4chan?

    If you feel like the rules and guidelines of most social spaces keep your personality in a box, take that as a sign to ask yourself why.

    • @PinkburittoOP
      -65 months ago

      I’m not interested in what you think. Sorry you’re not interested, have a good night.

  • originalucifer
    65 months ago

    why are you utilizing a product whose primary feature is federation if youre not going to use it for its primary purpose.

    you could just pick one of a dozen full featured forums-server applications for your walled garden

    • @PinkburittoOP
      -115 months ago

      Because I’m allowed to. Sorry you’re not interested, have a good day.

  • @surewhynotlem
    25 months ago

    I’d like your instance if I’m tired of politics and politics from both sides is allowed.

    I don’t understand how that works. Could you explain a bit what it looks like?

    • @surewhynotlem
      65 months ago

      Nevermind. The front page is already conservative talking points. This is just another tiny instance sheltering hate and falsehoods.

      Call me when something actually for those tired of politics does show up.

      • originalucifer
        25 months ago

        i thought it strange that its all ‘no bans’ and crap and then i noticed zero federation. sounds very new-twitter

        • @PinkburittoOP
          -85 months ago

          We’re not a match. Have a good one

      • @PinkburittoOP
        -75 months ago

        Sorry you’re not interested. Thank you for not joining, have a good night.