2024 January 15 at (…)
Pay-walled Washington Post’s URL


(…) H5N1 avian influenza (…) cases of humans getting seriously sick from this strain of flu are rare. (…) scientists concerned about the pathogen turning into another pandemic. “Every year that this doesn’t happen, (…) we’re being lucky.”

Comment :
The article describe in a very dramatic way (which might be over dramatic? … I couldn’t say really because I’m not a biologist) well, the article says that it is very concerning taking into account dozens of mammal species and 100s of bird species (which carry this virus around the world) is spreading//affected now.

  • enkers
    125 months ago

    There seems to be a common thread in a lot of these new pathogens: they all seem to start in intensified animal agriculture operations. The absolute deplorable conditions we keep these animals in is a spawning ground for disease.

  • The Snark Urge
    105 months ago

    Basically every year we go without such an outbreak is a lucky year.

    Good luck y’all

  • @paddirn
    95 months ago

    Just throw something else onto the pile, fuck it.

    • @SlopppyEngineer
      65 months ago

      It’s the diseased chickens coming home to roost. Humanity has set up the conditions for all this to happen despite clear warnings, because it was good for the economy.

  • @A_AOP
    55 months ago

    Sorry the article I posted is already 2 weeks old but I didn’t see other remaining post here on lemmy about this. Also, it says this virus affects domesticated animal but doesn’t say if dogs are affected yet. Well, I didn’t read the whole thing : it was too long for me.