What is everyone’s take on 10th so far? Personally, I think after 9th they really needed a hard reset. The games feel a lot smoother and there isn’t as much searching for rules. The universal rules really seemed to have helped.

  • @[email protected]
    42 years ago

    I’m torn, on one hand I kinda love the core rules, the Universal Special Rules for weapons and datasheets was a much needed change, and on the whole i like the datasheet abilities and the way fewer Strategems.

    On the other hand I have serious problems with the index’s, the lack of flavour for some armies is depressing (my poor Blood Angels) and they really over did it on the consolidated weapons profiles, I can deal with power Swords, Spears and Axes all being a single profile, but Power Fists, Thunder hmmers and Lightning Claws should be different, and dont even get me started on what a fustercluck the Comi-weapons or VanVets “Heirloom Weapons” are.

    Then there’s the Way that they’ve split up datasheets, they should have gone with the way they do characters in 2nd edition 30k and have just a single profile for a type of character, with the option to just take Terminator armour, a bike or a jump pack as additional war-gear, with the stat changes/abilities that they provide being in the armoury page.

    And that brings me to the points system. I cannot stand the reskinned PL that we have masquerading as points currently, I want to go back to paying for War-gear and having any squad size increment that I wanted. I did actually play with PL a good bit in 9th with Crusade, and it is so fucking easy to cheese, even in friendly fun matches, Its going to be so much worse going forward unless the codex’s fix it.

    • @coygOP
      42 years ago

      I’m in agreement on the points values. I don’t like the way they’ve done the current points and I am hoping it will be remedied as the codexes are released.

  • @Shinpai
    42 years ago

    Yet to play a game. A bit disappointed from listbuilding aspect because of set unit costs. This almost always forces you to take specific loadouts on units instead of balancing between cost and effectiveness/purpose.

    • @coygOP
      42 years ago

      It also sets a bad precedent. For instance the indirect fire points hike. Since all weapon choices are the same points cost, some units get a points hike because they CAN select an indirect fire weapon even if they dont. Guard ordinance battery for example.

  • @Tarsn
    2 years ago

    Haven’t really had a chance to play yet. I’m a fan of some of the changes. I don’t like how a lot of factions lost all flavour and sense of individual identity. My scars got absolutely demolished and are (for now at least) just worse, white, Ultramarines.

    Not a fan of generic weapon profiles like what they did to sternguard and vanguard vets either.

      42 years ago

      Hopefully that gets fixed when their codex dropped like the other commenter said.

      I will say I’m not a fan of GWs stance of killing off some of the flavor in favor of oversimplification. I get they’re trying to make it easy for new players to join the community but they should make a couple super simple factions and let the others be complicated or weird or niche.

      Ultras and cadians should be easy to pick up, black legion for chaos, who cares for xeno scum /s

    • @coygOP
      32 years ago

      I agree with these points. Combi bolters as one profile? Not so great. I’m hoping for you the white scars get some love when the codex drops.