A $39 a month subscription fee? Are they smoking crack?
They definitely are especially since any savings in energy is obliterated by the monthly subscription.
I think the subscription is just for the instructor led and gamified exercise routines for the indoor mode. Which is still crazy high, but the ebike and it’s off grid charging work without it, it looks like.
I was mildly amused by them saying you could earn 100% co2 free energy. With 3 hours of pedaling for a full charge, I know I’d be huffing and puffing a fair amount of co2 by the end, haha.
I know this isn’t aimed at me but that’s the exact fuckin opposite reason I bought an ebike lol
The only thing I miss while riding this bike versus the other options available to me right now is any sort of cargo carrying options – Freebeat doesn’t even have a rear rack mounting spot or accessory available.
Who are these new e-bikes being made for if they don’t offer much utility?
Investors and people who don’t know shit about bikes?