Some drivers at DoorDash and Grubhub supported the New York City pay bump, but others say it will actually mean less pay and freedom.

  • @greendakota99
    991 year ago

    Corporations: “We refuse to provide our workforce with a livable wage!”

    They will no doubt spend millions upon millions on lawyers to ensure they don’t have to.

    • aeternum
      161 year ago

      spending millions upon millons on lawyers will still be cheaper than paying their “employees” a living wage.

  • @LexiconDexicon
    481 year ago

    How greedy do you have to be to get this mad over a few dollars more per hour? Just pay the people

    • fiat_lux
      491 year ago

      It’s so culturally ingrained in the US. I used to look at the delivery driver subreddits sometimes. So many complaints from the US posters about individual customers not tipping, but almost no complaints about companies not paying people properly. Compare with other countries subreddits where those services operate, and the criticism is almost entirely of the company policies.

      Red Scare propaganda was and continues to be hugely effective in the US.

    • @joekar1990
      151 year ago

      I mean even though they generate a shit ton in revenue none of those companies are profitable. They will do everything they can to not increase driver costs.

  • @squidman64
    411 year ago

    I’m struggling to understand how increased pay is bad for the workers, can anyone explain that to me?

    • @TheGreatFox
      411 year ago

      Well, you see, the CEO really wants another mega-yacht. So obviously, decreasing profits by actually paying their workers a reasonable wage is bad, it’ll delay the purchase of the yacht by days. Multiple days even!

    • fiat_lux
      131 year ago

      From the article, a few drivers were concerned that mandating benefits and hourly wages would require the companies to implement work scheduling and eliminate the driver’s time and commitment flexibility. This is the consequence DoorDash is also implicitly threatening.

      Which, is… a valid concern from the perspective that companies will always do what is in their best interest rather than employee interests. But wages and benefits have no actual dependency on scheduling even if it’s a common implementation. So they’re basically just scared of any change which might affect their current precarious income, understandably. And DoorDash are obviously financially short-sightedly invested in drivers staying scared and exploitable.

      • BraveSirZaphod
        11 year ago

        But wages and benefits have no actual dependency on scheduling

        This is only loosely true. If companies must pay a stable hourly wage, then they’re going to want stable continuous labor for that. As of now, drivers are paid for each job, which creates a lot of flexibility for both parties. If that becomes illegal, Uber Eats etc. isn’t going to want to pay people to sit around in between jobs. It also allows them to explicity direct a driver to do a certain job rather than offer a job to a driver.

        It’s fundamentally a pretty different dynamic. Some people might find it preferable, others won’t. There’s some nuance here

        • fiat_lux
          11 year ago

          I don’t consider what a company wants to be a true dependency. It’s a strong and valid desire to prevent unnecessary financial loss, but it’s not a requirement with only one possible solution.

          If gig SaaS companies are innovative enough to come up with a way to allow remote commitment flexibility in the first place, they’re creative enough to come up with ways of preventing drivers abusing that system without scheduling them in fixed time blocks in this day and age. Threatening a schedule is just the easy way out and a scary enough threat to drivers to get them to side with DoorDash.

          • BraveSirZaphod
            11 year ago

            I guess ultimately, it’s a question of why they would bother to put in time, effort, and money into developing procedures that offer them no real benefit.

            Ideally, I’d rather see the development of a formalized gig worker legal status, but that would require the government to be capable of thought.

    • vacuumpizzas
      81 year ago

      From reading only the article and none of its cited sources: the change requires a $.50/minute increase while the driver is in the middle of a gig, or $17.96 (which is the rounded $18 in the headline). Assuming the driver is literally doing a job every minute (i.e. no gaps in-between deliveries), then that’s a $30 for an entire hour. So the cost-effective alternative is to have the employee on an hourly wage and just pay them $18/hr for x hours that they’re scheduled for. The quotes in the article explained how the switching from a per-job model to a “do as many jobs in the hours we schedule you for” means they’ll lose the benefit of flexible work schedules.

      That said, I think the economy will speak for itself. Given the number of times I see companies complain in the media about “nobody wants to work”, they’ll need to pony up the money in order to maintain their share in the market.

      • @squidman64
        91 year ago

        That doesn’t make sense at all…it’s an $18/hr minimum, not maximum. They can still pay them more than that if they do more deliveries.

        • vacuumpizzas
          41 year ago

          With the per-delivery model, the drivers have the option to pick and choose which jobs to accept.

          Being speculative, I believe the scare tactic being used is: the driver can be assigned very unattractive deliveries without the power to refuse. As someone that does not do deliveries for any of these companies and periodically viewed posts from /r/doordash, I can only guess that this will hurt a smaller percentage of drivers that formulate a metagame to maximize their delivery income.

        • @Monkeyhog
          31 year ago

          Just because they can, doesn’t mean they will… They won’t.

    • Chaotic Entropy
      21 year ago

      I guess some are worried that whatever extra is given to them officially may be clawed back from them in some other way, unofficially.

  • Veraticus
    281 year ago

    But I thought the gig economy was supposed to help workers! Certainly the gig overlords wouldn’t have lied to me??

  • @xpinchx
    91 year ago

    Also when you do a P&L the money is shut if you drive a decent car. It’s not just gas, but wear on your tires, oil, brakes, scratch and dent from city driving/parking, potential for tickets, longevity of your engines etc. You’re basically trading in some value of your car for some cash now with a couple extra bucks on top.

  • zlatiah
    1 year ago

    Interesting, I did drive for Uber Eats during the pandemic a bit…

    I guess the main “backlash” is because these few companies have to pay minimum wage now? Drivers are gig workers so have been treated as independent contractors so far: a.k.a. no employee benefits, absolutely no minimum wage… The flexibility might sound alright to some on first glance, but the more you think about it the worst it gets. And yeah these companies basically made money by giving the false pretense that you can have a flexible work schedule but then squeeze profits out from both ends

    So to get back to this… I guess these companies are arguing about this law not just because they are greedy for a few extra bucks, but because mandating them to pay minimum wage might straight-up bankrupt their businesses? I don’t mind tho… Uber got to where it is today by being a loss leader & drove out the cab companies. Might as well let 'em taste a bit of their own medicine for all the shitty gig economy they brought to us

    • Steeltooth493
      71 year ago

      This is really just Gig economy companies exploiting a “you’re just a contractor and not an actual employee despite the fact that we rely upon you to exist, and you have no legal representation” labor loophole. They want to get back to ye olden days of the 1920s before we had federal labor laws that stopped companies from pulling this crap.