I’ve had a garmin for years, but it recently broke. It’s been pretty good so I think I’ll just get another. What I’m wondering is if all the garmin watches have pretty much the same gps. On the website they have a comparison, but all watches just have a check mark next to the gps part, no details beyond that.

I don’t really feel the need to have all sorts of bells and whistles, but I’m worried if I get the absolute cheapest it may have an inaccurate gps. Is there a difference in gps accuracy between garmins and if so is it worth caring about?

  • dmtalon
    2 years ago

    For normal non city running any of them should be fine. The more expensive ones will reach more satellites by supporting other non US systems like GLONASS, and GALILEO increasing accuracy by using more satellites.

    I generally use just gps on my Fenix 6x Pro. Unless I’m running in thick trails where the extra satellites might help.

    DC rainmaker definitely has a lot of in depth info on accuracy.

    I’ve had a 910xt, 920xt, Fenix 3HR, Fenix 5x, and now The 6x pro. Running very similar courses for my daily runs and they all report mostly the same. I overlayed a few old tracks compared to new ones and they’re all close.