Abortion funds that help people cover the costs of getting the procedure are struggling with money as the waves of donations that followed the end of Roe v. Wade have begun to dry up.

It’s led some of the independent organizations — which help cover expenses for abortions and associated costs, such as transportation, child care, and lodging — to scale back or even pause operations.

After the Dobbs decision in June 2022, many funds received large donations from Americans outraged at seeing the right to an abortion stripped away.

The National Network of Abortion Funds (NNAF), which comprises 100 funds across the country, said its members disbursed close to $37 million to about 103,000 people from July 1, 2022, to June 30. That was an 88 percent increase in spending compared to the year before.

People giving money were so angry at the time that the gifts were described as “rage” donations.

But as the issue has faded from headlines, donations have too, even as demand for help and the costs for helping individual people have skyrocketed.

  • Flying Squid
    538 months ago

    The implication here seems to be that the people’s political will isn’t there. Is it that or is it that people are really struggling right now and can’t afford to keep donating?

    • @[email protected]
      278 months ago

      GOP lawmakers have the best of both worlds. They can pass laws they know will be challenged, and then have unlimited taxpayer money to fight.

      Ronald Reagan taught them this. The original Panama Canal treaty was signed in 1900 [?] President Gerald Ford was supposed to hand over the Canal to Panama. Candidate Ronald Reagan started screaming that ‘we built it, it belongs to us!’ Ronnie knew that Ford’s hands were tied, while Reagan was a private citizen at the time. They love a fixed fight.

    • @[email protected]
      138 months ago

      Probably just that it’s getting old. When the issue was new and in everyone’s minds, people donated. Now that time has moved on, people are back to the grind of daily life and it slips from their minds.

      • @stoly
        38 months ago

        Humans as a whole tend to follow the monkey brain which always wants new and exciting. Once something is old, people quickly get over it.

  • @cmoney
    468 months ago

    Come election time I hope we all still remember the political party responsible for this.

  • @[email protected]
    168 months ago

    This is a favorite GOP tactic.

    Once they get elected, they ban something, or create a law they know is going to be challenged. They know that the Left is going to fight them, but since the GOP are the office holders they can count on the taxpayers to fund the fight. Meanwhile the Left is forced to spend money on numerous causes. Either the Left goes broke, or Dem candidates get shorted.

    • FenrirIII
      138 months ago

      They learned to (ab)use the system against their enemies

      • @[email protected]
        128 months ago

        This is why so many of the things they rage about are so petty. ‘War On Christmas’ is a great example. When we talk about that, we aren’t talking about things that matter.

        Tan suit, anyone?

        • @aodhsishaj
          68 months ago

          Using the wrong mustard is a pearl clutching offense!

    • Rentlar
      78 months ago

      This is a typical strategy by conservatives in UK, US, Canada… force unpopular legislation through early in the term so that people are fatigued or forget about the issue by the time the next election rolls around.