• @[email protected]
    8 months ago

    Jesus. I mean, the general lunacy in these posts is already an overwhelming amount of proof, but the way some of these people communicate really seems like clear evidence of some kind of…mental…break? I mean, I know that’s not something I can diagnose reading a post or two, but Jesus. Who organizes their ideas and tries to communicate this way? It’s so…disjointed, and, like…well, crazy. It’s batshit crazy. Not just the ideas, but the crazy stream of consciousness, cluttered, poorly strung together aspect of their attempts to communicate with others.

    • @800XL
      428 months ago

      You ever listen to Trump talk? Every sentence sounds like he had a mini-stroke during it. These are his people.

      • @Wrench
        8 months ago

        It sort of works to put their audience on their back heel.

        Intelligent people will spent the first half of their rant just grasping for their point. They think that makes them seem intelligent, because their opposition is frequently bewildered at where this gibberish is going. And then, depending on how confrontational their opposition is, they either just try to disengage because they realize it’s not worth the effort, or call them out, in which case they play victim, or change the subject to another incoherent rant.

        I know a few people like that. Libertarian and/or conspiracy theorists. The common theme is a superiority complex because they “know” something you don’t.

        • @800XL
          78 months ago

          And they rapid fire as many things as they can at once to overwhelm so that the opposition can’t pick one to debate Sothey can say “you support X and can’t disprove it because you haven’t specifcally said you don’t”.

      • @shalafi
        48 months ago

        Trump makes sense! You just listen with an ear, and only one ear, towards what you want him to be saying. Seriously. Try it. I’m not being funny.

        Now have a look at the transcript of whatever talk you heard. Now parse meaning out of those words. Put in on paper. Trump said…

        It’s wild reading his words in text vs. the spoken word.

  • @[email protected]
    338 months ago

    Do these people ever win? Is there a single success story ? I don’t understand how this place sustains itself. Even R/wallstreetbets occasionally has a win in it.

    • @BonesOfTheMoonOPM
      228 months ago

      Nope they just succeed at paper terrorism of the government/judiciary.

    • @[email protected]
      168 months ago

      They take an employee saying “uh, I’m gonna have to look into this” and leaving for the day to be a complete win

  • @Treczoks
    248 months ago

    Can anyone explain what he is doing here? They are about to repo his truck, but what the f did this guy do with letters and expecting the CEO to answer?

    • @[email protected]
      598 months ago

      It’s sovereign citizen crap. I don’t know about this case specifically but usually they believe that if they make up an unrecognized legal principle, like ‘debt is only valid if collected by the CEO because that’s who I did business with by buying from the company’ that everyone else is beholden to the shit they just made up, and if everyone else doesn’t play along with them then they don’t have to comply with anything. No it doesn’t make any sense, every legal argument they make is a series of assumptions built on assumptions, ignorance of legal precedent, and the reality of how laws work.

      It’s made even worse by the fact that sometimes companies run into these people, go “the last one we ran into was an absolute lunatic that stressed out half our team so I’m not fucking with that again for $[x],” write it off, and now you have a bunch of sovcits telling each other that their magic incantation is the right one because it worked for them.

  • @Fluffy_Ruffs
    78 months ago

    “Erase debt with this one trick! Banks hate it!”