For the past several months I’ve been slowly tapering off an SNRI with terrible withdrawal. If I ever forgot a dose, I spent the next day with a pounding headache, unable to stand up, feeling like I was going to vom. As I’ve been tapering, every time I drop the dosage it’s the same symptoms, but to a u slightly lesser degree.

It’s been… not fun.

And then I remember that I used to feel like this almost every Saturday and Sunday because of my binge drinking/alcohol abuse.

I quit using alcohol over three years ago. I’m really proud of myself, and grateful to (usually) feel better in my body these days.

  • @Goldenderp
    41 year ago

    So proud of you, that’s fantastic. Thank you for sharing and good luck with tapering off those SNRI. Unless you are migrating to a new treatment, this is the pain of success!

    • @[email protected]OP
      41 year ago

      Thank you! I am switching to a different treatment but it’s definitely still a success. This SNRI was a sledgehammer of a med that prevented me from dying by suicide. Now that I’m doing better, I’m happy to switch back to a gentler med with fewer side effects. No more suffering from med “hangovers” :)

      • @Goldenderp
        31 year ago

        I’m glad you came through it! Sometimes a sledgehammer is the tool you need.

        Oh man med hangovers are terrible, and side effects are a bitch. It’s worth feeling human again though!

      • shmee!
        31 year ago

        Just want to throw out a quick congratulations, I’m happy you’re here for us to have crossed paths

  • @mcpheeandme
    31 year ago

    I’m sorry you’re dealing with that. I hope you get well soon.

    And you’re right. It’s stunning what I put myself through two, three, four, five times a week. I chose to live life on the sidelines, depressed and in pain.

  • SpaceBar
    31 year ago

    I don’t miss hangovers at all! What was scary for me was how much, right before I quit, I would have to drink in order to feel hungover.