U.S. Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene, a staunch ally of former President Donald Trump, has been voted out of the hardline House Freedom Caucus group after clashing with a fellow lawmaker, a caucus member said.
Next she’ll found the House Freedomer Caucus, supporting even more freedom than the regular Freedom Caucus.
And she’ll be the only member and somehow get voted out of that a few months down the line.
Reg : Listen, the only people we hate more than the Democrats are the fucking House Freedom Caucus.
Judith , Stan , Francis : [Murmurs of agreement and “splitters”]
Francis : And the Freedom Caucus of the House.
Reg , Judith , Stan : [More enthusiastic agreements]
Stan : And the House Caucus of Freedom!
Reg : [Agreements stop suddenly] What?
Stan : The House Caucus of Freedom, splitters!
Reg : We’re the House Caucus of Freedom!
Stan : Oh! I thought we were the Caucus for Freedom.
Reg : Of Freedom!
Francis : Whatever happened to the Caucus for Freedom, eh?
Reg : [Indicating a man sitting by himself] He’s over there.
Reg , Judith , Stan , Francis : [Beat] Splitter!
So what does that actually mean? Nothing? Seems like this is just a high school clique saying that Maggie can’t sit at their table anymore. Wake me when she can’t go to prom…
Calling Boebart a bitch wasn’t the reason at all, it was the excuse to shun her for being disloyal. She backed McCarthy as speaker and she backed the debt limit bill.
You can’t go against the group when you’re in a conservative group.
can we finish the job and remove her from everything else?
Too dangerous when one of them actually believes the bullshit.
MTG may have made the difference in the US agreeing to pay the deficit interest on their bills. I am waiting for their (FC) next attack on children in school to be over rainbow colors in boxes of crayons.