I’m a huge Indiana Jones fan and finally saw Dial of Destiny last night. Sadly, I didn’t really enjoy it. The deaging was distracting and didn’t add anything to the story and Harrison Ford is honestly too old to be playing Indy anymore. His performance reminded me of Patrick Stewart in Picard - trying so hard to reach the quality of his former iconic character but not having the ability anymore to do it successfully. I also expected more from Mangold. Logan was such a high quality movie that I assumed everything Mangold would do after would be top tier but this movie kinda proves that Disney’s army of producers can ruin any talented directors work and there’s no reason to get excited about a specific director if Disney is involved.

What did y’all think of Dial of Destiny? Do you feel similar or are my opinions off base?

  • AwkwardLookMonkeyPuppet
    31 year ago

    Crystal Skull was so bad that I decided I’m done with the franchise way back then. I see no reason in this new movie to revise that decision. The Last Crusade was the last Indy movie worth watching.

  • @[email protected]
    1 year ago


    I guess I just don’t understand the obsession with how things look. The melting faces at the end of Raiders certainly weren’t very realistic. That kind of superficial criticism just doesn’t matter to me much. I KNOW it’s fake already.

    • @ClarkDoomOPM
      1 year ago

      It’s not really an obsession for me - I’m totally fine with stuff like Babylon 5 and older cult movies that have questionable realism. Going with your example, the melting faces in Raiders actually looked cool and interesting and is a memorable cinematic moment. An uncanny valley version of Indiana Jones’ face stands out as a baffling choice to me and isn’t gonna be something people talk about for decades to come. Just use a different actor and reinvest the money you paid 100 vfx artists into something that actually makes the movie better. It was disappointing that the focus of the movie felt more on recreating the feelings we had watching the old movies than telling a story that was fresh and innovative. I applaud them trying something different in the 3rd act but I think it was a situation of being too little too late.