I’m not asking about your “mumble crappers” or whatever annoying people call them now. I’m talking about the verses your friend puts on for you and you think it’s a joke.

The obvious pick modern day is Tom McDonald, but I feel like that’s cheating so I’m taking another classic. YBN Nahmir is fucking awful, and I don’t understand how Rubbing Off The Paint took off. Shit sounds like MS Paint: The Beat. If I wanted to listen to a dollar store keyboard, I would go play with my kiddo. However the top of this pile of shit has to be Soul Train where Nahmir decides to channel his inner IceJJFish for a track. Uzi may have super questionable lyrics, but he can usually put together a catchy song. I don’t know who the fuck Soul Train was for, nobody would think those vocals are good.

    • @mob
      32 years ago

      deleted by creator

      • Leyla :)OP
        22 years ago

        Facts, Drake has so many corny lines, but even Drake’s worst songs are usually fine at best. Drake’s dad is a great example of how much worse Drake could be. That on That is a horrible song.

        • @mob
          32 years ago

          Well, I tried to delete it but turns out it leaves a trail with my account. I’ll have to remember that.

          But I don’t think so. I think Drakes popularity is the biggest reason he gets as much hate as he does. I can understand why people don’t like him, but to consider him the shittiest rapper who you think their verse is a joke when your friends put it on… Nah. Majority of that’s going to be hatred due to his popularity, and how it’s popular to hate him.

          But if you think he’s the shittiest rapper to ever exist, got any good examples of these shitty verses?

      • @mob
        12 years ago

        Oh shit, does deleting on Lemmy not actually delete the comment completely? That makes me feel like I’m ducking or some shit. Ill own what I said if there’s going to be a trail, just didn’t feel like a valuable comment

        I just said I think it’s silly how much people like to hate on the most popular artists, like it’s always “Drakes the worst at everything” when it comes to hip hop.

  • @mob
    12 years ago

    Tbh, at first I thought Chance The Rapper was another Lil B situation where people were just being positive towards him for memes or some shit.

    Turned out I was wrong and people actually like him ha.

    • Leyla :)OP
      02 years ago

      I like Chance, but he has the potential to be one of the most unbearably annoying rappers ever. I remember listening to The Big Day and immediately thinking it was fucking awful. You know that one dumbass scream he makes? He spells that as “Ighh”. How does that work? Literally can’t do basic spelling.

  • @Flyspeck
    02 years ago

    We’ve been oversaturaresd with so many awful rappers over the past decade it’s hard to choose!