I’m new here but hoping to get some discussion started.

I really, really hope Nurse is looking to play Reed to the 4, which is his natural position. Looking long term at the roster we have now, he and Maxey are the only bright spots this team has.

  • @[email protected]
    31 year ago

    I really wanna see Bball Paul stick with us and grow but idk if we’re gonna match and keep him so I’m prepared to be disappointed

      • @SpiritOf76ersOP
        21 year ago

        At this point I’d be surprised if they match. Surely they put a number on his value and then they signed Beverly & Bamba. I can’t imagine they exceed the luxury tax for Paul. So either they have bigger deal in the works that will free up salary or they were willing to let him walk.

        This roster is looking worse and worse every day.

        • @[email protected]
          31 year ago

          It’s really depressing but yeah this is looking really bad so far unless Morey has some good trade up his sleeve

        • @jaybirrd
          1 year ago

          Yeah I really want them to match for Paul Reed. Even when things weren’t going great he brought so much fresh energy to the floor. And when things were going great, he looked fantastic. Definitely want to see him succeed in the league even if he doesn’t stay with the Sixers.

          Now with Mo Bamba, Trez, and whatever is happening with Petrusev, it just feels way too redundant for the front office to match Paul Reed. I’ll be thrilled if they do though.

          Overall I’m feeling absolutely terrible about the roster currently. Say what you will about Shake, Niang, and McDaniels, but they were solid in ways that Mo Bamba and Pat Bev are really not.

          ETA: looks like I was wrong with my doubts about them matching for Paul. While I’m very happy about that, I’m also very confused about what their plans are for this roster.