Hello community, I am looking for the name of a service that hosts a webpage from which you can launch scripts. Unfortunately, I forgot what it was called, but I know there was something that does that. A name or link would be appreciated! Thank you
There was this as a full-fledged service (at least 10y ago): https://github.com/rundeck/rundeck
(I’ve just found out that it was acquired by NewRelic.)
According to https://github.com/awesome-selfhosted/awesome-selfhosted, there’s Eonza ( https://www.eonza.org/ ).
They look really nice, thank you for sharing!
Are you looking for Olivetin.app
Aaah, yes! Actually that was it, not the other one. I knew the UI looked different. Thank you!
Probably not what you are after, buy you can create and schedule Google scripts.
Thank you for the recommendation, but you‘re right, it‘s not what I‘m looking for. Also, I try to be free of google services so unfortunately that‘s not an option for me.
Ansible+AWX maybe? https://github.com/ansible/awx