Members of the crowd, some wearing shirts reading “Purebloods Stand Together,” took turns reading out a statement charging a government lawyer with obstruction of justice for attempting to have Dr. Daniel Nagase’s $66.6-million lawsuit against the B.C. Supreme Court tossed out.

  • @[email protected]
    231 year ago

    At the core of these false and thoroughly debunked legal theories is the idea that followers are exempt from the authority of government, laws and the courts, as long as they know how to use the right words and phrases

    It’s amazing that these sovereign citizen type people still exist given that absolutely none of them have even once successfully argued anything in a courtroom.

    • @Lauchs
      141 year ago

      As if facts or reality matter to them. Besides, how do you know they haven’t won all their cases and the media, in conjunction with the saucer people, under the supervision of the reverse vampires are keeping those victories secret?

    • Anomander
      31 year ago

      They exist in perpetual No True Scotsman - the people who fail “didn’t do it right” while all of the myriad minor ways that they feel their members have scored victories confirm that the theories are “correct”.

      If they manage to make themselves so annoying that city hall or traffic court drop the proceedings, that’s a win that proves The System can’t beat their arcane legalese rituals. But if they fail, it just means they didn’t do it right, that they need to use the crimson-red pen instead of the vermillion-red, or whatever nonsense it is. The whole thing is Cargo Cult Courtroom from a perspective that is wholly and completely defined by Air Bud. They understand that court and law has gaps in it that other people slide through - rich people “avoid” taxes rather than evade them, or Billy got out of XYZ charges on “a technicality” - quite literally inspired by the same logic where “it doesn’t say dogs can’t play basketball” allowed Bud to play, so they try to chant the magic words they’ve learned and invoke the arcane rituals in this or that specific way, understanding deep down that the mysteries of Court System will be ensorcelled by their incantations and must give them what they want.

      These people are not approaching this from a sense of logic and facts - which means that logic and facts don’t mean anything to them. It’s far closer to faith.

      I see these folks on the regular via work, and I often get tapped in dealing with them because I dealt with them last time. In general, what’s needed is rebuffing their arguments without engaging with them, but without dismissing them outright. So like, “if your ‘corporate personhood’ is separate from you, the ‘corporate personhood’ is the one we’re paying and that ‘personhood’ needs to do XYZ.” I don’t care if you refuse personally, I don’t care if you aren’t the corporate person - that’s not my problem. But we are paying one specific person and that person cannot both receive money and dodge obligations. They can dodge money and obligations, or they can have money and obligations. Have them tell us which option they pick within the week.

      The other one I love is the persistent myth that your “government name” is in ALL CAPS and if you don’t write your name that way it doesn’t count … and the reason your name is in all caps is that 80s computer systems didn’t support capital/lowercase distinctions, so everything was stored in block caps and you’re old enough your name is in that format still.

    • @Nogami
      -21 year ago

      They just enjoy the attention. It doesn’t matter to them if they’re being mocked. They have nothing in their life so any sort of focus makes them feel the “importance” they otherwise don’t have.

  • MapleEngineer
    161 year ago

    100% of people who receive the covid vaccine will die after getting the vaccine. Eventually.

    • Gellis12
      101 year ago

      Can confirm. I got the shots, and now my doctor says I only have about 50-70 years left to live! Who can I sue for losing my immortality?

      • MapleEngineer
        81 year ago

        When I got the first done I posted saying, “I got the vaccine and now I have autism.” A friend replied, “You had autism before you got the shot!”

        Oh ya!

  • @[email protected]
    121 year ago

    “Purebloods Stand Together,”

    “right of protection and preservation of … the vessels of the souls of my children.”

    Yeah, NBD, just a new cult religion forming in real time here.

  • @[email protected]
    21 year ago

    99.99999% of medical field saying that vaccines work fall on deaf ears but when there is one dumbass saying something they like, these people go “see?? medical experts agree with me”.

  • @Nogami
    11 year ago

    What a bunch of flaming nutbags. No doubt they are harming their own kids with their “beliefs”.

    Pretty sure purebloods were the bad guys from Harry Potter. I’m surprised they can read.

    • @[email protected]
      71 year ago

      I think the underlying (conspiracy theory) rationale is that the purebloods in HP were right and unfairly maligned. That’s consistent with the “we’re the oppressed minority” BS that extremists pull.

      • @[email protected]
        61 year ago

        This is the classic rhetoric of the oppressors.

        1. Be bigoted, or prejudicial, or racist, or rage-baiting, or destructive, or anything else bad and regressive
        2. Get called out or shunned for it by the population at large
        3. Throw hands up in the air and say “what the hell! I am OPPRESSED! All you LIBS are feeding into the eSTabLIShMeNT! WE are the freedom fighters

        It’s an embarrassment and its no wonder the CPC keeps running bigger and bigger fools. Their only strategy at this point is to inspire enough hatred to get enough people to vote for them.

        I guess if it worked in Alberta 🤷‍♂️

  • @[email protected]
    11 year ago

    These chucklefucks vote. You should pay attention to whom they vote for and vote for someone else.

  • Lengsel
    -361 year ago

    It is true that the covid vaccine is exclusively for the stupid and gutless people to get poison poke.

    • @Lauchs
      161 year ago

      I got the vaccine and died four times last week!

    • @[email protected]
      131 year ago

      Can confirm, am ded. But 5G reception great!

      The trick is to ingest Dihydrogen Monoxide (or DHMO). It’s a common industrial solvent, and it’s the same chemical Starbucks uses to addict people to their coffee, but if you maintain a steady dose of DHMO, toxins will be flushed through your kidneys.

    • Bo7a
      61 year ago

      Thank you for making it so easy to know who to block by putting your most ridiculous bullshit right out front.

    • Zach
      41 year ago

      I am honestly really curious why you think this way? I can understand vaccine hesitancy for when it first came out but here we are, years later and there is no actual scientific evidence of long term issues surrounding the vaccine. I, along with everyone I know has been triple vaccinated and everybody is still alive, well and kicking. So really, do you have anything to point to regarding your hatred of the vaccine other than sheer stupidity?

      • @[email protected]
        91 year ago

        As someone who has had the displeasure of talking to a few anti-vax people, I think it comes from a lack of understanding and the continued deterioration of trust in our institutions (government, healthcare, education, the sciences etc.).

        The internet has brought a lot of good but also gave a huge population access to a bunch of unqualified podcast hosts to give them bad opinions. *cough* Joe Rogan *cough*.

        What a shame, could’ve had a lot less deaths if people listened to qualified experts vs. any idiot with a mic and an audience.