• NoSpiritAnimal
    238 months ago

    This was a change from the books to quickly establish Gandalf as a bit of a rapscallion in addition to being a powerful wizard.

    He’a much more restrained in the book, even refusing to set off fireworks for the kids, whereas movie Gandalf sets them off within seconds of appearing on screen.

    • @Godnroc
      138 months ago

      I always liked that scene. It gives Gandalf a very grounded personality. He may have incredible magic, but joy is its own magic.

      When he goes all terrible power when Bilbo offers him the ring, it makes the line “I am trying to help you.” hit harder. He is genuinely a friend trying to help instead of some conniving trickster. He goes loud to make sure Bilbo is listening for the quiet part. With an insidious ring whispering to you, it can be hard to hear!

  • @hOrni
    108 months ago

    Maybe he didn’t intend to use. Technically Marry and Pippin stole it and set it off.

  • @HeapOfDogs
    48 months ago

    It’s even worse. It’s not just a dragon firework, the thing targets Bilbo!

  • @Mango
    28 months ago

    Rule of cool. Fuck your PTSD.