• @FlashZordon
    281 year ago

    Hey bro I downloaded a realistic Minecraft mod.

    The Minecraft Mod:

  • BruceTwarzen
    171 year ago

    I remember playing a soccer game on the n64 on a friends house. His mom came in and did some Smalltalk. She asked who was winning. We pointed at the guy who was winning. She said: no, the football game.
    We were a bit confused until we realised that she thought it’s a real game that we were watching on tv. I saw how her mind was blown in real time. On my way home, i thought that it makes sense, because the games these days look so real. In hindsight tho, what the fuck

    • @Ottomateeverything
      1 year ago

      I’d bet some of this is CRTs and public non-digital television at the time.

      While we can look at current N64 graphics and compare it to IRL, we’re like “HUH? Not even close”. But that’s not the comparison that was happening in the 90s.

      In the 90s, sports were usually shot on a shitty film camera, then converted into signals that ran at 480p and broadcast across shitty infrastructure. These were then shown on really fuzzy CRTs with awful washed out colors and blown up really large. Not to mention, if you didn’t have cable (which many people didnt), we’re also talking radio transmission and bunny ears which even further shittied the picture. What real sports looked like on TV was also, by today’s standards, total ass.

      But now we have digital cameras sending 4k digital signals to high resolution and vivid color TVs. It’s totally different.

      Not to mention, the fuzziness of CRTs made N64 era graphics seem better because it would essentially anti alias for you and such and make things look rounder than they actually were, which was one of the hardest things to do in that era.

      It’s hard to even relate to this because even if you go find a sports broadcast from the and watch it now, you’re still not experiencing the shitty CRT and it’s pathetic reproduction. You kind of can’t even see how bad this shit was unless you watch like someone’s home camcorder recording a CRT and watch THAT footage.

      Does it excuse her? Not entirely. I’m sure if you really looked you could figure it out during closeups of the players and such. But at a passing glance, this is way more understandable if you think about what her reference for what “real sports on TV” looked like.

  • SonnyVabitch
    161 year ago

    Lara Croft’s triangle titties were fuel to some teenage dreams and more…

    • Cethin
      81 year ago

      To be fair, playing that on a CRT at whatever resolution was available at the time (480p or less), you really couldn’t tell those were just triangles. You had to use your imagination to fill in the gaps, which made everything look better.

  • @[email protected]
    61 year ago

    I remember how ocarina of time blew my mind how big and open the world was. Seemed like I could play the game forever with the massive open world.

    The game feels so hilariously small now. I’ve never gotten past the first ancient beast in botw because I just run around climbing stuff. I need to commit to finishing that game.

  • TheMongoose
    51 year ago

    Fond memories of GoldenEye on the N64 where everybody’s head was a photo wrapped around a D20…

  • @RizzRustbolt
    51 year ago

    And now all the indie games are on that vertex shading nostalgia kick.

  • Glitchington
    31 year ago

    Yeah, I played Cubivore back on the Gamecube. Is this from the remaster or something?

  • @Anticorp
    31 year ago

    That picture is way too realistic to come from a 90’s game.