(Linux Mint) Switched to an AMD graphics card recently and ran “sudo apt remove --purge” on all ^nvidia* and ^libnvidia* packages. Unfortunately, one package (libnvidia-compute-470) seems to not get the message and won’t remove itself. Quick search around the internet on solutions have not resolved the issue yet. Wondering if anyone had any ideas how to manually remove this package? Cheers!
Get a list of packages that depend on it, as explained in https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/149805/how-to-find-the-packages-that-depend-on-a-certain-package-in-apt
You may have to remove all the dependants along with NVIDIA package, or maybe remove the dependants before removing the NVIDIA package.
Thanks. Checking dependencies, a few were listed, but none were installed. I managed to get it to purge finally by using it’s full package name “libnvidia-compute-470:ix86”. Strange why it wouldn’t remove using the ^libnvidia* command though, as it contains those words. Thank you.
I think its because just specifying
indicates the 64 bit version, but the package that’s installed is the 32-bit version. That’s why specifying the full package name with the architecture suffix works.
If you are attempting to use regex match on the package name I am pretty sure you need to use .* not just * as . represents any character except newline and * is 0 or more matches of the previous character in a regex. so your expression was looking for libnvidi with 0 or more a character which I don’t think is what you wanted and that might be why it didn’t work as expected. Cheers!
Thank you! The more you know. Much appreciated
Does it provide an error message? Might try lower level, dpkg -r libnvidia-compute-470.