Trading partners are taking the threat of a new trade war seriously, even if they don’t take Trump’s comments literally.

American businesses and trading partners are beginning to struggle with a familiar problem: former President Donald Trump’s tariff threats.

The former president and his advisers have been floating the idea of hiking tariffs to levels not seen in decades, leaving American businesses, foreign officials and their lobbyists in Washington with a recognizable dilemma. They can either acknowledge and publicly push back on the rhetoric — and potentially make the situation worse by sparking Trump’s ire — or keep quiet and risk being caught flat footed if Trump wins.

Trump “has not let up in his romance with tariffs,” said Wendy Cutler, a former senior U.S. trade negotiator. “We should expect more variations on the tariff theme throughout his campaign.” The Republican presidential frontrunner is reportedly considering up to a 60 percent tariff on all imports from China and a 10 percent “universal” tariff on all other trading partners if he wins reelection in November. But Trump, in his usual style, has refused to commit to any specific numbers, saying on Fox Business this Sunday that tariffs on China could even be higher than recent reports.

  • Snot Flickerman
    8 months ago

    But they’ll still fucking vote for the loser fat pig and they’ll make plans to hedge their bets to deal with it instead of nailing the fat loser pig to the wall as should have been done twenty fucking years ago.

    Like, it can’t be any clearer that 1. Trump intends to be a dictator and 2. He doesn’t know what the fuck he is doing so he is going to make a litany of bad decisions at light speed. It’s almost amazing how many of his proposed decisions will destroy the American economy overnight. It’s clear he doesn’t understand how our economy works and has fully embraced American Exceptionalism, which is why he thinks tariffs will work, “because America is best and who doesn’t want to do business with America.” He really doesn’t understand these tariffs are a deterrent to imports of resources the US just doesn’t have a ton of geographically.

    The 21st century so far has been one long roll downhill with business leaders absolutely showing their asses and making clear that they too, like Trump, have no fucking clue how any of this works and have been coasting on accumulated capital for so long that they’re willing to do the very things that will siphon that capital out from under them.

    Like if you really think you can continue to make your business successful under an out of control fascist dictator who throws up tariffs in random fits and picks winners and losers in the economy… Well I’ve got a bridge to fucking sell you.