I’m sick of reading American books. Would love some Aussie recommendations.

  • Aradina [She/They]
    81 year ago

    I quite enjoyed On the Beach (1957). It’s post apocalyptic, set heavily in Melbourne following a nuclear war.

    Author is British though, but he wrote it after moving to Australia.

  • @[email protected]
    71 year ago

    Power Without Glory by Frank Hardy . Based on real people and real events. The Sentimental Bloke by C J Dennis On the Beach by Nevil Shute The Getting of Wisdom by Henry Handel Richardson.

  • CEOofmyhouse56
    41 year ago

    I quite liked The Mystery of a Hansom Cab by Fergus Hume. The telemovie was good too.

  • mishellaneous
    41 year ago

    Definitely second the Corinne Chapman series by Kerry Greenwood, so good!!! Also, if you like mysteries with some humour, ‘Brunswuck Street Blues’ by Sally Bothroyd was really enjoyable. Highly recommend

  • Catfish
    21 year ago

    A million votes for the Corinna books. Also Eaglehawk by that author’s not-husband. Resurrection Man by Sean Williams has Melb but not in an especially recognisable way.

  • @[email protected]
    11 year ago

    Murray Whelanseries by Shane Maloney - Murray is a political aide to a labour MP in state parliament who has to solve a murder before it (generally) brings down the government or he gets murdered. Also a series of films startting David Wenham (and directed by John Clarke)

    Death in Brunswick by Boyd Oxlade - it’s set in Brunswick and is a little weird to be honest and the main character is definetly not likable. Movie stars Sam Neill and John Clarke co stars

    The Holiday Murders by Robert Gott - set in 1943, there’s 4 books in the series (though by the end of the second book I was done with it). There hasn’t been a movie about this one, presumably because John Clarke didn’t read it