The whole world is fucked.
A few bushfires, hailstorms and flooding is fine. We’re getting off lightly.
What app is that? The UI design looks really inconsistent. Also a lack of padding, rounded corners, and weirdly sized buttons.
Thanks for the link. It’s weird they don’t just use material you.
The map they use is actually quite accurate. We had to send the boss to do an emergency delivery to a customer and their address wasn’t coming up in Apple Maps, Google Maps or even OSM. It was in VicEmergency though…
Like an hour ago it was 35⁰C and hailing. Our weather is fucked up
State’s more fucked now
The Apple weather app went from the permanent “Sheep Grazier Warning” to “Fire Weather”. Raining fire? Where have I moved to?
You know how the song goes,
“Four horsemen in one day”
Boy it sure is
So there is storm, thunderstorms, fires, burn ban, yes? But what are the icons at Traralgon and Vodonga(?)?
Traralgon: building damage
Wodonga: Tree down
Oh, that’s supposed to be a tree!. I was wrecking my brains what this icon could be. Thanks!
They are just warning you about the existence of Taralgon and Vondonga
I would have been faster on that joke the generator ran out of petrol last night and but power, mobile and internet only just came back
NSW is looking pretty chill though, lets all move up there :D