Hi everyone and welcome to the first Screenshot of the Month competition!
Do you like taking screenshots in Guild Wars 2 and perhaps would like to have it showcased in the community? Behold, brave Tyrian! For you have come to the right place.
The rules are simple:
- One (1) screenshot per participant.
- Upload the screenshot to this post and type a short description / caption of the screenshot.
- The screenshot should be around the 16:9 aspect ratio, so it fits the sidebar.
- Screenshots of cute Charrs is allowed, but will result in one (1) downvote to even the playing field for the rest of the competitors.
Give an upvote for your favourite screenshot to determine which one is the ultimate screenshooter!
The competition will end and the winner announced 16/07.
What is this? A screenshot for ants? :D
What do you mean?
I’m joking, because it’s so small. You asking though made me suspicious, so I checked the source code. Turns out it’s 1920*1080. But clicking on it doesn’t allow me to scale it or open it in its original size. Odd. Have to right-click -> open image in new tab.
Not only is it 1920x1080. It’s also so beautiful that you just have to vote for it, right? 😀
You can put a link around the image, so that you can click on it and see it in its original size.
Damn, that’s clunky. But I’ve figured it out. Thanks for the advice!
? It works, but it is very, very ugly.
Congrats on being the only one posting a screenshot! 😂
Thank you! Surprising lack of competition.
Yea, lots of people commenting in the post but no screenshots 😅
I’m gonna change how “screenshot of the month” will be next time.
I was originally going to give the winner 100 gold, but then realized that I would only be able to give the gold to a player on EU servers 😢 . Unless I am missing something?
You can technically cheese the Trading Post by buying a dandelion for 100+ gold. +15% tax though. Does mail work?
If someone plays on NA server, they can send me their username and I’ll try send a mail.
Yeah, it’s almost funny how difficult it is to find authoritative information about which (communication) restrictions exist between regions. I only have EU accounts, so I can’t help. Sorry.
I was thinking about doing a giveaway of the new expansion here but i dont know if there are enough people interested.
Good idea, if we all haven’t already bought the new expansion 😅
Why not post the image inline using

?Right. No RES. Edited.
The screenshot is black background with white text? 😂
Oh, I can see a lot of Risen Ass Kickery. At least that’s how I remember Forgal. 😎
Who knows, knows.