The fact that they think the problem could have been solved by a special ticket instead of a normal ticket and a business card shows just how clueless 110 supporters are.

Making treatment optional is the problem, not the methodology of communicating how optional it is.

    • @jordanlundOPM
      -14 months ago

      Drugs absolutely harm society. It causes an increase in crime and a depletion in resources caused by people who aren’t contibuting to the system in any real fashion.

      If the goal is to encourage people to lie around out of their minds on fentanyl all day, well, good job I guess? Mission accomplished?

    • @jordanlundOPM
      24 months ago

      If you want to solve the drug crisis, yeah, treatment needs to be mandatory.

        • @jordanlundOPM
          24 months ago

          The whole point of 110 was to get people into treatment, not allow free use of anything and everything.

            • @jordanlundOPM
              04 months ago

              I guess you just weren’t paying attention prior to the vote.


              "When they passed the ballot measure, the people of Oregon recognized:

              Drug addiction and overdoses are a serious problem in Oregon. 

              Oregon needs to expand access to drug treatment. 

              A health-based approach to addiction and overdose is more effective, humane and cost-effective than criminal punishments. 

              Making people criminals because they suffer from addiction is expensive, ruins lives and can make access to treatment and recovery more difficult."

              Again, all about recovery and treatment, not free use.

                • @jordanlundOPM
                  04 months ago

                  Oh, I don’t claim to. I’m telling you the opinion of the majority who were fooled into voting for a bad law.