At the end of the Oscar-winning documentary “Navalny,” Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny delivers a final chilling message.

“I’ve got something very obvious to tell you. You’re not allowed to give up,” the long-time nemesis of Russian President Vladimir Putin said in Russian as he looked into the camera.

Navalny, 47, reportedly died Friday in an Arctic prison, where he was serving a 19-year sentence on charges he and his supporters said were politically driven by Putin.

The Russian Federal Prison Service said Navalny “felt unwell after a walk” and “almost immediately” lost consciousness. He later was pronounced dead.

The day before, he was seen smiling and joking during a court appearance via video.

  • @ghostdoggtv
    118 months ago

    So that’s why they killed him

  • ComradeSharkfucker
    8 months ago

    Look don’t get me wrong, Putin should have opposition and we should expose obvious attempts at silencing dissent wherever they happen. However, Navalny was a piece of shit here’s some info on that.

    He was a Russian fascist with well documented association with the neo-Nazis in the early 2000s then turned into a pro-Western liberal who opposes Putin.

    Edit: 2011 NY Times profile about Navalny (CW: racism):

    Liberals, meanwhile, have deep reservations about him, because he espouses Russian nationalist views. He has appeared as a speaker alongside neo-Nazis and skinheads, and once starred in a video that compares dark-skinned Caucasus militants to cockroaches. While cockroaches can be killed with a slipper, he says that in the case of humans, “I recommend a pistol.”

    Not to mention he voluntarily went back to Russia after believing they tried to have him killed. I don’t know what he expected

    Also the video of him being racist is still up on his personal YouTube channel to be clear. It is not a position he ever distanced himself from.

    This is not a man who deserves celebration or attention for his personal or political endeavors.