I really like Fearless, great guitar and the lyrics are spot on.
Quick edit to correct the title, something you can’t do on Reddit.
Hard to pick just one, but I’ll forego the usual popular choices and say Brain Damage. It has a lot of personal history for me, and it’s just good to listen to.
Hard to pick for me, as they cover such diverse ends.
Wish you were Here has a lot of personal meaning from experience, as does Time.
Brain Damage. It has a lot of personal history
Same here, lots of mythological purpose and experience there.
The Gunner’s dream. That transition is everything
Hard to say, it fluctuates. Lately it’s been One of these Days.
Pigs (Three Different Ones) or One of These Days.
I Saw a Pink Floyd laser show back in the 90s at the planetarium in the Denver museum of natural history. The show was DSoTM, but as an “encore” they did One of These Days and it was amazing. Been a favorite ever since.