Welcome to Lemmy’s newest Star Trek community.

A safe harbour for newcomers and exiles of the Star Trek community on Reddit and startrek.website here on Lemmy whose only crime was to have an opinion not shared by the mods.

Introduce yourself here and if you’ve been banned from one of the other two places share your story too.

  • @crocswithsocks
    78 months ago

    Hello, my name is crocswithsocks, and I am a Trek fan.

  • Smuuthbrane
    58 months ago

    Hello, casual fan here. I’ve rewatched all of Enterprise and Voyager over the past few years, an am in the middle of season 2 of TOS. Love Lower Decks (best Trek ever) but don’t currently have access. Relearning Klingon (tlhIngan Hol vIghoj) after a nearly 30 year pause, thanks to Duolingo.

    • @[email protected]OPM
      18 months ago

      TNG era are the best looking ships hands down. Even some of the Picard S3 ships look a bit goofy because they’ve started taking designs from Star Trek Online.

      But for me the Intrepid class is the best of the bunch.