Realistically, that bear should have died pretty quick from the amount of coke it ingested right? Didn’t the real one die in a few minutes?

  • @darthsid
    41 year ago

    In the real story on which the movie is based off, the bear dies pretty much after going on a coke binge. Thus proving that bears can also die rockstar deaths.

  • @[email protected]
    11 year ago

    Im quite sure the real bear swapped a gambling addiction for trading stock market shares, estranged itself from its friends with mood swings and a sudden personality change, contracted gonorrhoea at a cheap brothel and then died

  • Devi
    11 year ago

    I think the true story shows you what would realistically happen. There’s probably an amount of cocaine that would allow the bear to survive for a while but it’s less than a few bricks.