Edit: there is a teaser with a trailer tomorrow.

  • @[email protected]
    1 year ago

    Cate Blanchett seems a little old for Lilith but she’s amazing in everything so I think I can excuse it. But it’s hard to imagine her and Kevin Hart having a romantic relationship.

    I know Kevin Hart is extremely miscast for a Borderlands 2 Roland but as someone who also enjoys Borderlands 1 a lot if not more, Hart actually fits how Roland was in that game. He didn’t get all stoic until 2. In 1, his lines were like Will Smith: “Boom! Headhsot!”, “Ah ya, that was all me.” and stuff like that. Physically he’s way smaller than Roland, though no matter how you slice it.

    I don’t know who they have as Handsome Jack yet but I have a feeling the movie will depend a lot on that performance.

  • littleblue✨
    21 year ago

    Such a pile of shit, and the marketing push to make it seem like it might not be, is… disrespectful to the fans, at the very least.