So I am a node.js total noob. I have tried to get in to servers for countless years unsuccessfully. Finally after two days and thanks to Jenn and wh0 in the glitch forum I have a start point, which I have saved in to a shareable form above. Glitch is basically as free as perchance it looks like and I found Glitch through another Perchance tutorial.

note: this does nothing showy nor fancy, but if you want to add real multiplayer in to a game, make your own version of a public gallery, nearly anything requiring a server, this is the startpoint allowing a perchance page and a glitch server to interact.

beware: extremely complicated and enters languages node.js AND js

important tho for the progress of what powers we have available on perchance. i can’t wait to get real multiplayer in, and you may not know it yet, but you can’t wait either :)