No matter how shitty you think Biden’s response has been, it is absolutely certain that Trump’s response will be far, far worse.
If you have to feel good about your actions by comparing them to Trump, that’s a low low bar and something is definitely wrong with you.
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Starvation in a concentration camp of an entire population is the most “Netanyahu” thing imaginable. Yet it’s Netanyahu doing it.
The current state of affairs for Palestinians at the hands of the Israeli government is grim. As grim as things are, they would be substantially worse with Trump in Power.
Are diplomatic efforts to stop the violence a bit anemic? Yes. There would be no such efforts from Trump.
Effectively, the more influential you are with your premise, the more Palestinians will suffer.
There’s an entire israeli cabinet screaming for the extermination of all Arabs.
And Biden gets on his knees and bypasses Congress to give that cabinet weapons.
This is not a Netanyahu problem. Netanyahu is just the spoilt child raised by Biden who knows there will not be any punishment for his crimes.
Every supposed red line Biden set has been broken and there have been zero consequences. In fact Biden wants to give them 17 billion dollars for doing such a good job Genociding Palestinians.
Are you saying it’s not possible to do worse than Biden?
Are you saying it’s not possible to do better than Biden?
Are you saying that would be trump?
Trump is worse than Biden
Is it not possible to do better than Biden?
Are you saying that would be trump?
Where did I say that?
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The problem with gaslighting and spamming a meme is that everyone has clearly seen Biden be complicit in Genocide for over 4 months.
I know this is really inconvenient…
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Trump was the candidate for the last four years.
You might have noticed that Biden recently started being complicit in Genocide. Mhhh when was that again. Four months ago🤔
Crazy, all these Russian anti genocide “bots” popping up when a genocide is happening.
It is amazing how these people so against “genocide” seem to keep forgiving Netanyahu isn’t it? No he’s in nowhere responsible nor is Trump who helped to prop Netanyahu up. It’s amazing that isn’t it?
Netanyahu and Israel would not be functional if we cut off support, let alone if we openly opposed them
I guess history just started this last year huh? Amazing that isn’t it? Nothing before the election year matters. So terribly convenient that.
I hope Putin is paying you well.
Netanyahu wants Trump to beat Biden
I’m getting scammed pretty hard I think I’ll go work for israel’s Hasbara department soon. Any indications on the pay?
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Here direct evidence you’re wrong
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Ya almost made it to
But several weeks later, on November 21, the U.S. Air Force issued deployment guidelines for officers, including intelligence engagement officers, headed to Israel. Experts say that a team of targeting officers like this would be used to provide satellite intelligence to the Israelis for the purpose of offensive targeting.
“They’re probably targeting people, targeting officers,” Lawrence Cline, who served as an intelligence engagement officer in Iraq before retirement, told The Intercept. Targeting intelligence refers to the identification and characterization of enemy activities including missile and artillery launches, location of leadership and command and control centers, and key facilities. “What I can see is we’ve got a lot of global assets in terms of satellites and the like and the Israelis have a lot in terms of more localized radar coverage.
The Biden administration has gone to great lengths to conceal the nature of its support for the Israeli military. The Pentagon quietly tapped a so-called Tiger Team to facilitate weapons assistance to Israel, as The Intercept has previously reported. The administration has also declined to reveal which weapons systems it’s providing Israel and at which quantities, insisting that the secrecy is necessary for security reasons.
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The US did not voluntarily mention that they were flying drones above Gaza either until someone noticed it.
Now the fact they sent targeting officers does not indicate they are doing search and rescue.
Let’s hope you manage to put two and two together. Maybe they’re going to find the WMD’s in Iraq who knows. America would never lie about doing war crimes right?
You’re not giving Trump enough credit.
Verified traitors don’t get any credit whatsoever.
Would you rather elect Republicans who think Palestinians children are “not so innocent”?
Both parties are beholden to the Israel lobby, but we need to push for change, and this sort of post encourages apathy.
This isn’t apathy. Apathy would be quietly sitting in the corner, taking it, without so much as a peep. Seems to me that the apathy is with y’all that continue to vote in elections that you don’t ultimately decide. Hillary win the pop vote, trump still won. Biden hasn’t reversed any of trumps immigration policies, among other things also left unaddressed. He fucked over the rail workers when they were striking for ONE FUCKING WEEK off sick pay. They are the “backbone of America” but we can’t give them that respect and dignity, just so railway owners can rake in profits and a strike breaking president can declare worker organization illegal? His failure in both Palestine and East Palestine are just the tipping point to this rug pull of an administration.
Republicans who think Palestinians children are “not so innocent”?
I mean if the Democrats thought Palestinian children were innocent they’d probably do more to stop the killing.
Both parties are beholden to the Israel lobby, but we need to push for change, and this sort of post encourages apathy.
Or how about we call out the Democrats on their bullshit and push them to make changes now instead of after an election.
“But the Republicans are worse!” is such a cheap cop out.
They have been and are being called out… they are changing. People keep just reminding you that one party is changing the precident that has stood since 1948. The U.S. recognized Israel on day 1. Undoing 75 years of allied support doesn’t happen in a few weeks. As much as we want it so. More than half the U.S. population is still unsure Palestine isn’t guilty and deserving of the acts specifically performed by Hamas and the Houthi and being portrayed an veiled in several layers of propaganda via media. If the majority of the citizens don’t believe it is wrong, then their representatives surely don’t see a reason to change precident, especially when one of the candidates is fighting to keep “chaos” at its highs to ensure it looks bad on the current candidate regardless of whether it is better for the people to make other choices.
More than half the U.S. population is still unsure Palestine isn’t guilty and deserving of the acts specifically performed by Hamas and the Houthi and being portrayed an veiled in several layers of propaganda via media.
I think the debate isn’t about whether Hamas is guilty of the actions on October 7 (it 100% is), but whether the Palestinian people deserve to be punished.
By this argument the civilians who died on 9/11 deserved to because of US actions in the middle east (they 100% did not).
Always upvote Phil Ochs.
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Both parties are beholden to the Israel lobby, but we need to push for change,
Yes. Which is not the Democrats or the Republicans.
I’ll do you a better one; if Biden manages to address the issue now and recognizes a Palestinian state before the elections, he’s back in business.
If not then he has proven his worth through his actions.
I’m still in camp “the damage is done. Former democrats are disenfranchised by Biden on many levels, not just the Israel level. If the DNC doesn’t correct course and produce an alternative, they will lose.”
Last time I checked, only something like 2% of voters consider Palestine an important issue. You are vastly overestimating the importance of this war to the average American voter.
What part of “many levels” was unclear?
Besides throwing your vote away on a 3rd party candidate, or encouraging voter apathy, got any ideas?
Nope. Those are the options the DNC is pushing on us.
Start telling Biden to push through recognition for a Palestinian state.
Start telling Biden to push through recognition for a Palestinian state.
The two-state solution has been openly stated as US policy by Biden.
Biden has not used any legal means to recognize a Palestinian state.
Either he uses the military aid to pressure israel into creating a two state solution (or one-state solution), or he bypasses israel and recognizes a Palestinian state unilaterally.
If he could first stop pouring bombs on every square foot of Gaza that would be nice. Yes, he. He’s the enabler of this genocide
What would a two state solution look like on the ground?
The West Bank has been partitioned into de facto bantustans since the Allon Plan. This wouldn’t be like the resettlement of Israeli settlers in Gaza in 2005. The forced relocation of hundreds of thousands of settlers, many militant, or the de juro annexation of 60-88% of the West Bank are both terrible solutions. On the other hand, a binational unified one-state solution would prevent those possibilities, while resolving the Right to Return issue that’s been present since 1948.
As of January 2023, there are 144 Israeli settlements in the West Bank, including 12 in East Jerusalem.[2] In addition, there are over 100 Israeli illegal outposts in the West Bank. In total, over 450,000 Israeli settlers live in the West Bank excluding East Jerusalem, with an additional 220,000 Jewish settlers residing in East Jerusalem.[3][4] … The year of the disengagement (2005) would see the removal of 8,475 settlers from Gaza, while in that same year the number of new settlers in the West Bank increased by 15,000.[80]
While I agree in principle that a one-state solution is preferable, the reality is that neither side is interested in any one-state solution that the other - or the rest of the world - would find palatable. A two-state solution is uglier and messier and all around worse than a one-state solution, but more viable. “Politics is the art of the possible, the attainable - the second-best.”
It is true that neither side is currently interested in a one-state solution. However this comes from different places. From the Palestinian side this comes from necessity as all efforts of a unified state were denied, while from the Israeli side this comes from the concept of transfer and Greater Israel / Eraz Israel.
Looking at apartheid in South Africa, fierce opposition to the ending of apartheid was present for decades before negotiations to end it began. With enough international pressure and internal resistance, the apartheid ended.
However, increasing local and international pressure on the government, as well as the realisation that apartheid could neither be maintained by force forever nor overthrown by the opposition without considerable suffering, eventually led both sides to the negotiating table. The Tripartite Accord, which brought an end to the South African Border War in neighbouring Angola and Namibia, created a window of opportunity to create the enabling conditions for a negotiated settlement, recognized by Niel Barnard of the National Intelligence Service.[2]
I don’t think creating apartheid states is the way to peace.
Israel must give full equality to Palestinians, until then we should use isolation and divestment tactics which worked against white supremacists in South Africa.
Also an option. As long as something is done to solve the issue
If Biden really wants to salvage this he can still redeem himself by doing what no American president was willing to do for the last 75 years and actually try to solve the issue instead of hot-potato’ing it.
If Biden really wants to salvage this he can still redeem himself by doing what no American president was willing to do for the last 75 years and actually try to solve the issue instead of hot-potato’ing it.
For all our disagreements, I hope he does.
call for biden, blinken, pelosi, schumer… to resign
Resign over what?
Failing to fulfill the claims that they made to the american people. For sending billions of dollars of aid to fund a genocide. For all the reasons i posted above
Seems like a great idea: remove more democrats from politics. That’ll sure preserve our democracy.
have you heard the song, “Love me, Im a Liberal” by Phil Ochs? You should give it a listen. Democrats have no interest in liberation.
Biden has stated multiple times that he is a Zionist so I doubt that he will change his stance.
Hot take by someone who doesn’t understand geopolitics and the Israeli lobbying power, or astroturfing propagandist?
Leftists and progressives (in America) don’t get to vote for anyone we want. We vote strategically for who makes the best opposition to us: the right-leaning centrist or the fascist dictator.
Or as I like to say, don’t let the perfect be the
enemy of the goodenabler of the what the actual fuck.deleted by creator
Well, by then Israel is supposed to have completed its
genocidedefense, which means there won’t be a Palestinian crisis anymore. It’s a final solution!Be warned, weary traveler. For in this thread lies such deceipt and misinformation that your braincells will commit ritual suicide one-by-one upon its traversal.
Nope. This is 100% projection.
This is absolutely going to be the gEnoCidE jOe bros. Just like the Bernie bros in 2016, and again in 2020- they’ll become vapor the moment the election is over and they’ll resurface in 2028 to complain about whatever manufactured nonsense they can drum up.
But don’t let this get in the way of your right-wing propaganda dressed up as socialist rhetoric.
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Pretty much.
You mean it’s going to be the DNC losing it for the dems just like how the DNC sabotages Bernie in 2016
Released Emails Suggest the D.N.C. Derided the Sanders Campaign
In one of the emails, dated May 21, Mark Paustenbach, a committee communications official, wrote to a colleague about the possibility of urging reporters to write that Mr. Sanders’s campaign was “a mess” after a glitch on the committee’s servers gave it access to Clinton voter data.
“Wondering if there’s a good Bernie narrative for a story, which is that Bernie never ever had his act together, that his campaign was a mess,” Mr. Paustenbach wrote to Luis Miranda, the communications director for the committee.
In another email exchange, Mr. Miranda asked Ms. Wasserman Schultz whether they should call CNN to complain about a segment the network aired in which Mr. Sanders said he would oust the chairwoman if he were elected.
Lmao, of course this is your post.
Can’t wait for this election to be over so I can stop seeing people post about how they “totally care about the genocide bro. I swear it isn’t a thinly veiled political campaign spot.”
The genocide sucks (all of em) and nobody supports it.
nah there are plenty of people that support it, even democrats. nancy pelosi is calling protesters russian and chinese plants. shes all about the genocide. NYS pledged millions of dollars to israel bonds after oct 7th. they already had hundreds of million dollars in there prior. this is for NYS workers pension too. you bet that there are state workers that have a vested interest in this genocide and would rather see their pension be secured than stop whats going on.
Nancy pelosi calling people Chinese plants = support for genociding Palestine?
Wow, pass me that bag. Shit must be fire.
when she is calling people protesting against genocide in palestine chinese plants, then it is yes. they try to belittle the voices of constituents that don’t agree with their zionism.
Ah, so the intent of n pelosi is derived from the views/nationality of people blocking her driveway.
This seems like a stretch, but still, pass me that bag.
When people block my driveway I say shit like “move you fucking asshole”, and yet I’m not king of sodomy.
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Oh yea, I recognize the username. I love throwing a wrench in their loose, squeaky gears.
“For them to call for a ceasefire is Mr Putin’s message,” Pelosi said during an interview on CNN’s State of the Union on Sunday. “Make no mistake, this is directly connected to what he would like to see. Same thing with Ukraine. It’s about Putin’s message. I think some of these protesters are spontaneous and organic and sincere. Some, I think, are connected to Russia.”
So she isn’t actively calling for ceasefire and also claiming that discontent with democrats over this genocide can only be foreign intervention and not from their own constituents. If y’all want to say not voting for biden is voting for trump then not calling for a ceasefire is calling for a genocide.
I haven’t called for an end to the vacuum of space, so I must be pro endless-void.
As such, I openly support the contents of your skull. You don’t have to do any mental gymnastics at all.
the reason biden is president is not because he is good but because he is not trying to any% ruining of the US, just a normal playthrough.
Biden has enabled the biggest rally for the Global South to group behind BRICS.
On foreign policy he is giving everything America has away to protect israel.
The myth of Western morals and values has fully collapsed under Biden.
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biden wants to close the border. i can use google too
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South American asylum seekers are seeking asylum due to the past and present actions of the US. Borders are the only thing that make immigration illegal.
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its not anti biden bud. its critical of biden. im not gonna just sit back and let liberals go unchallenged.
Title 42 may be gone but this suggests that bidens policies are stricter
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says the one saying spam
But for more than a year, Biden kept, and defended in court, Trump’s most sweeping border restriction: the Title 42 emergency order that allowed agents to cite the Covid-19 pandemic to quickly expel migrants without hearing asylum claims.
Consider watching this cool video that just came out to learn about out some very clear past examples disproving exactly what you are saying
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Too scary and factual. Don’t want to risk having your world view upset.
You only need the first two minutes and three examples are given.
Else stop talking.
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Very sad to hear. Glad you had the time to write that well thought out comeback.
this aged poorly
All you people who think any other American president wouldn’t be supporting Israel are delusional. Especially if you think Trump is that person.
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Change “crisis” to “genocide” and the meme doesn’t work so good.
But I would agree, anyone vocally complaining about Biden but also using the terminology “Palestinian Crisis” is pretty suspect.
The people posting these memes want Trump in office. Let that sink in.