Nope. No, no, no, nope, no, uh-uh.
Hot damn! That’s 1.53 olympic hockey pitches!
What is that in soccer ?
How many pregnant ostriches tho?
Holy moly, this lady just travelled infinity pregnant ostriches under ice!
I need this measured in peacocks please.
This is a tough one, peacock size is pretty variable, do you measure wing to wing, wing tip to wing tip, tail tip to tail tip, beak to cloaca, or beak to tail?!
I died at 20 ft.
Did you survive it after you died
they got better
Modern science is truly incredible
Yes, it really is.
Tho they were resurrected by a witch doctor.
Thank you!
That’s a hard Nope for me
There is not enough money in the world for me to do something like this.
Nice tail 👌
I think she’s wearing a wet suit, her legs are independent of each other but she’s wearing a uni-flipper that connect her feet together.
I saw her first, alright ?
Currently playing Subnautica Below Zero and this is relatable
Huh, you know i remember hearing somewhere that ice water swimming is one physical activity where women outcompete men.