Anyone else ever noticed how charming this house would be somewhere else? It’s on Glendale and the west 101. Just by looking at it you can tell it was here before anything else was built around It. My grandpa moved out here in the '50s to start drilling wells when there wasn’t much around. I’ve posted a picture before of my Aunt Nancy as a young girl standing in barren desert where 19th avenue Indian School is. My grandpa said one day he talked to the owner of this house and asked him if he was ever going to sell. The guy said when he was a young boy he could jump over the pine trees that now grow tall all around the property. He couldn’t bring his heart to do it. The pines tower around his farmhouse like impotent sentinels trying to remain noble.

  • Meanshadows35
    2 years ago

    He’s watched the world change around him. But he’s got beautiful grass!

  • jmoriartyM
    2 years ago

    There’s a few interesting places like that scattered around. A lot of them are places leftover when the rest of the farm land was sold off for development, but sometimes you can tell its just one house where the owner dug in and refused to give in.

    When the ballpark was built downtown they evicted one old lady who was doing this. Had lived there her whole life and wanted to just live there in peace and they kicked her out and took her land.