Its still absurd Cuba is under sanctions. The foreign policy of the US is so horrendous
All because of a small constituency in one state that’s not a swing state any more.
I’m sure most republican politicians would support it.
It’s* still absurd
Food doesn’t fall under the embargo.
But it ruins their economy which makes it harder to afford food
How in the world does it hurt their economy? They have the whole world to trade with.
What hurt their economy was the collapse of the soviet union. That is what propped up their economy for so long, the Soviets.
What keeps the embargo in place is Cuba stole property from American citizens. If they repay those debts, then normal tourism could happen again.
Obama made the change to allow it anyways and Trump changed it back to the prior policy.
Americans can still go to Cuba, it’s just a pain in the ass. I go every other year or so.
How does it hurt Cuba’s economy that people can’t do business with them? How does it hurt Cuba’s economy that the most powerful country with the most influence over the world doesn’t let people do business with Cuba? How does it hurt their economy that its a pain in the ass to travel there? You must be joking
No I am not joking.
When you were in Cuba, how many people said they wished they could trade with the United States ? I never met anyone.
We even get a surcharge when we exchange money.
Which part of Cuba were you in where they were lamenting the embargo ?
they have the whole world to trade with
Yeah that’s not how OFAC Sanctions work…
Sounds like a solid reason not to be a communist dictatorship who abuses their people.
Sounds like.
But things that help them grow food does fall under the embargo, such as farm machine parts, gas, and tools. Also, it’s still hard for them to buy food because the US males it hard to trade money, use banks, or send money back to Cuba.
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Not even the CIA believes it was the fault of Cuba “In January 2022, the Central Intelligence Agency issued an interim assessment concluding that the syndrome is not the result of “a sustained global campaign by a hostile power”. Foreign involvement was ruled out in 976 cases of the 1,000 reviewed”
Also the embargo started way before 2016 so what weird point you have there to try and justify the richest government in the world punishing one of the poorest countries while it also bombs countless other countries.
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It’s in the Wikipedia article you posted lol
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They deserve it, considering how unfairly they are treated by capitalists and their useful idiots.
I was on a small carribean islands during covid, part of the Commonwealth.
A lot of doctors sent from Cuba came to support us and we received plenty of equipment from Taiwan too.
From the US, China or the UK ? Nothing
Lift the inhumane blockade and sanctions on Cuba already.
There is no blockade or sanctions on food.
So what do countries need to get that food then? And what is stopping them from getting it? Couldn’t it be that inhumane sanctions are causing a financial disaster and by extension people can’t afford to import the things they need?
In Cuba, the state buys the commodities and provides them to the people. The people get ration books that allows them to obtain various goods. For milk, I think the rule is that nobody over 7 gets any. Communist countries aren’t very good at planning for these kind of things. Remember when Venezuela ran out of toilet paper? So, the answer to your question is perhaps budget correctly, not spend as much on their military etc, and purchase milk instead.
And yet that still doesn’t justify the inhumane sanctions
What sanction is inhumane?
Can’t answer yourself? Just something that blames the lack of money? That’s inhumane? I’ve been to most Caribbean countries, and none of them are wealthy.
I think it’s amazing to see peole blame the US for Cuba’s problems.
Lack of milk in Cuba, a recurring problem, unlike most all caribbean countries
I wonder if there’s anything different that would cause it to be harder for them to import things.
It couldn’t be a trade issue with one of the biggest milk exporters I’m sure
No. Food doesn’t fall under the embargo.
Yeah, food which can only be traded for with cash. Which is in short supply because there are some sort of restrictions on Cuba’s ability to trade commodities and raw resources for cash.
It’s in short supply because Cuba doesn’t have much worth trading. I have no issues lifting the embargo but in return, they have to allow anyone to leave who wants to leave. There would be a mass exodus the minute they did that.
If it’s purely because they don’t have much worth trading then why not lift the embargo and give them access to world trade, banks, and resources again? What’s the harm?
They do for the most part. The embargo is the United States. I have never said I support the embargo. It’s an old archaic Cold War policy.
The US embargo also affects other countries. They don’t let ships dock at Cuba and then the US, for example. The reason they get oil from Venezuela is because they’re also iced out of much of the world market by US through sanctions.
Also, the US is 80 miles off the coast of Cuba and huge. Them not being available to trade with Cuba is a huge disadvantage.
Communist countries don’t handle these things well.
They don’t. I doubt any of these people have been to Cuba. I have. Food shortages are common there even though they can buy food from the United States. I suspect these are currently hold-over issues caused by COVID. They receive a fair amount of their hard currency through tourism which was shut down during covid. As an American, it is a pain to go to Cuba but food is readily available for tourist. For the locals, not so much.
Yup. You don’t want to tell the young socialists here about Cuban ration books, it might destroy their fantasies
I find it odd some may glamorize a brutal dictatorship where people are living in fear. Everywhere you go there is law enforcement and military. The citizens are very careful what they say because they fear being dragged to prison. When I went as a tourist. Someone asked what my house was like, the tour guide cut me off and said like most Americans, he doesn’t own his own, they don’t have running water and indoor plumbing.
Umm. I have three homes which I own. Four cars and I’m not eating flint corn. We have funk grocery stores.
Turns out she was pretty pro-American as she had been there but the government pushed an anti-American agenda.
If cuba wasn’t under sanctions, the playing field would be level. Yet you still blame it on communism as if it’s the only reason.
And they still wouldn’t have enough milk.
Then why the embargo? Surely communism would ruin the country enough on its own and they could just lift it…
There’s no embargo on food
There’s an embargo on literally everything else that makes it hard to get food, including they have difficulty even transferring money, or getting the parts and machines to grow their own food, or oil to run them.
Not at all. Nice try though. If you want to buy them milk, the barges leave the US twice a week. I’m sure they’ll appreciate it.
What could be different about this country’s ability to import milk? Surely it is beyond our ability to know.
The only thing America allows them to import is weapons for armed groups that want to overthrow the Cuban government. I hear those are subsidized…