• @[email protected]
    4 months ago

    They say there is no stronger magic than the love of a mother. I have seen a guy make half a building vanish with the flick of a wrist, but I still say it is up on this level.

    I was hiding huddled below the roots of a big tree. I could still feel the terribly moist breath of my pursuer on my neck. Everything has once again turned from bad to worse. At this point, I had to accept that the forest was out of question for a possible living space. The unicorn stampede was unfortunate, but I was too careless in approaching them, so it was somewhat my fault. And while it hasn´t taken very long before it became very awkward with the satyr, I can´t really deny that something similar has happened in the city. But the thing following me now was worse. While I could not see anything from my little hideout, I could feel the ground around me filling with water and becoming muddier by the second. The lake where I stirred up this thing had to be at least a mile away, but the creature was still dripping water like it just emerged from the deepest part of the ocean. It was calling me, its voice alluring if I wouldn´t know for sure, the horrors that I would unleash should I listen to it. War, Chaos, and presumably an armada of similar creatures on my heels.

    I reminisced how I got here. I was doing well, considering the circumstances. Told everyone that, at least. That’s what you are supposed to do, right? Saying stuff like: “It just doesn´t feel real yet” or “I am just trying to hang on”. Once somebody answered, “Well she wouldn´t want you to be sad”, like it would fucking matter anymore what she would want. I am positively sure she wouldn´t have wanted me cowering in a dirt patch in the forest but here we were.

    After my mothers death, it only had taken about a week for the effects to start. When I told my classmates I saw a fairy they were so excited. Telling me how rare it is to see any, how lucky I was, how few have met these fabled creatures. When I answered how I couldn´t go running through the park without bumping into one, the demeaners changed. Fake smiles, but I heard them talking behind my back. “Oh how sad it is. The death of a loved one really has some people fleeing into a fantasy”. I was angry, I wasn´t thinking clearly. But when I brought three pots of Leprechaun gold to class the next day, they stopped talking. The problem is, showing you can basically summon magical creatures and an infinite supply on gold gets you the attention of all the wrong people.

    When the government people got me, they said it was just for my own safety, and now I wholeheartedly believed them. But it was too late. I did not listen to them. I did not listen to the high mage guy who wanted me as an apprentice after getting me out of there. I just thought, as a former scout and with a newfound talent to make some very special friends, I would be just fine in the woods.

    But I wasn´t. The curse my mother unwillingly placed on me was too powerful. Her last words on this planet. “My dear, may the beautiful magic of this world always find its way to you.”

    So, I stepped out of my hiding, The being of pure water instantly closed in on me, bulking in front of me and raising a voice that did not accept refusal “There you are! There will be no further discussion or hiding. Are we clear? You will take this sword and I will make you the ruler of England.”